
stupid sutra

it's the personal, stupid

civilization is the personal

etched in stone

my stone is bigger than your

stone is the history of civilization

the personal is identification with thought

thought is a binary tool inherently divisive

the personal thus is inherently violent

the personal is an impossibility

and requires the constant addition of new support

thus the person is constantly desirous greedy

the personal is not improvable

there is no pure love within the personal

the personal is a distortion within pure love.


objectively a sutra

objectively a void

noumenally potentiality

there is no paradox

that's the paradox

it's one appearing infinite

in reality not even none

from not even none

the one appearing as many

assuming to be separate ones

all words point to you

no word is you

the personal is habitual

the eye is covered by one's own hand

seeing is ever seeing.


mind sutra

in deep sleep, the mind is what?

empty, quiet, non-existent?

and then a dream arises and the mind is what?

the dream?

in deep sleep one can say the mind is unmanifest

and in the dream one can say the mind is manifest.

before the big dream-bang and after the big dream-bang

there is always mind.

is the dream other than the mind?

is the character in the dream

one interprets to be oneself

really oneself?

and what is oneself?

there is nothing but mind

the dream is in the mind

of the mind by the mind

yet not the mind

and mind is not the dream.


phenomenal sutra

in mind that is no mind

phenomena appear

like dreamlike objects one

by one assuming this

seditious subjectivity

of mind imagining

it’s mind believing in

an unreal world within

its own divided mind

as something other than

in mind that is no mind

phenomena appear


i i sutra

I know I’m not

and what I am—

to wit thereby—


this most convincing

who to one

true satguru—

no no, no me,

no yes, no you,

just I—goodbye—




I sutra

the universe is

human sentience

and all the world is

its conditioning

and you are that

conditioned sentience

identifying with itself

but I am none of that

of which I am

but I


demonstrative sutra

call me that—

sentience interprets this

as these and those—

i am all of them—

none of them is real—

there is no

you me or it—

only i am


nonconceptual sutra


all that is

as conceptual

is nonconceptual



the monster sutra

the dream state is self-perpetuating—

if one takes any of it personally,

it all becomes personal.

in the game but not of the game

may be somewhat deceiving;

it's bloodier than that.

in the war but not of the war is close, arjuna,

but in the bloodthirsty inferno but not of the bloodthirsty inferno

is more to the point of krishna.

every interaction with a person

is a moment with the monster

in some fashion feature or form.

seeing through the monster

and witnessing unicity is all—

easy does it (there is no 'you' to do it).

just relinquishment is all

that is essential: stop

and smell awareness.


unsaid sutra

it’s best to leave

it all unsaid—

once said, there's nothing

left except

unsaying all

that one has said—

for leaving all

unsaid is all

there is to say…