
27th circular - peace

all real peace efforts must be directed inwards; it's not about the other person, party, politician, or whatever scapegoat of your choice—

until one truly understands there is no other, there will always be another war within your world: the war of wars, your personal war, you—

peace is what remains when the personal is dropped; thus ends this morning's sermon: go now, rest in peace—

when the personal is dropped, what remains is the awareness of being; thus being comes to know it is that, pure awareness: nothing to it.

verse: peace is what remains when the personal is dropped

all real peace efforts must be directed inwards;
it's not about the other
person, party, politician, or
whatever scapegoat of your choice—

until one truly understands there is no other,
there will always be another war within your world:
the war of wars, your personal war, you—

peace is what remains
when the personal is dropped;
thus ends this morning's sermon:
go now, rest in peace—

when the personal is dropped,
what remains is the awareness of being;
thus being comes to know it is that,
pure awareness: nothing to it.

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