
the lost book of truth

0.1 there are no words for truth and only lies in words. yet these words are one way for pointing to truth, although truth is always unsaid.

1.1 mind is consciousness limiting itself in order to eat itself in order to create more of itself that appears a little less limited.

2.1 identifying with mind ensures suffering. first, it’s incomplete always looking for completeness; second, it’s divisive guaranteeing violence.

2.2 division creates separation creates association creates disassociation creates division in a never-ending vicious cycle.

2.3 mind will never stop the vicious cycle: it is what it is. there is no choice but to understand the vicious cycle for what it is; or suffer and cause suffering.

3.1 if identification with mind (a person) is a vicious cycle of incompleteness and violence, then what is love, and why can’t a person do that?

3.2 a person can’t love. one doesn’t love. one ~is~ love. a person isn’t love. a person is mind which distorts love into filtered false emotions.

3.3 as long as one identifies with mind, and thinks of oneself as a person, love will never be; no matter how much a person may believe (mind on mind) in love.

3.4 therefore a person cannot love the world to save it; all a person can 'do' is deconstruct itself, eliminating the false to reveal the true.

4.1 in truth, the person doesn’t deconstruct itself; love deconstructs the person; this love is called the satguru.

4.2 all the person can ‘do’ is let love deconstruct the person; this love is called understanding.

4.3 the knowledge of the understanding is love, is the satguru, is being, is consciousness, is is: i am.

5.1 consciousness, being, i-am can not be thought; as love is obviously not a thought; i-am is intuitively known, experienced, apperceived.

5.2 this felt intuitive apperception of i-am is one of nondual consciousness, experiencing the universe as oneself, not ten thousand, not two.

6.1 these first two steps form a natural yoga, deconstruction of the person (not thought) & apperception of not two (i-am) which leads to a third—reality.

6.2 this third step, reality, the absolute, is not something a person can think, nor does i-am attain; the truth comes to i-am.

7.1 these three steps are not three steps in truth; they are one: not thought—i-am—the truth (pure affectionate awareness).

7.2 awareness isn’t experienced nor does ‘it’ experience; to the dream of a waking state, it appears as the pure potential reality of deep sleep.

8.1 there may be other ways, but they haven't been seen here; and what has been seen here as other ways appear to be just tricks of mind.

9.1 As always, these are merely words used by consciousness to talk to itself, understanding reality is available only to itself—Jai Guru Deva Om

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