
twee verse 48 - cathedral

what ironic witticism is there to magnetize another,

what satirical lyric will lull the opposite alignment

when neither opposite nor other is—

from nowhere known a movement manifests and knows itself—

no previous words suffice—

all tradition is conditioning as soon

as its deconditioning is done—

a new arrangement begins to orchestrate—

phenomenal thoughts orbiting within the space i am

the unaltered altar of this self this universal consciousness—

within that great cathedral saint awareness.


twee verse 47 - game

pollution, decontamination, culmination—

i think, therefore the world is—

i think i am a thought and all hell breaks loose—

the shadow only knows the shadow—

conceptual exception—

clearing the cobwebs—

that which witnesses delusion is not delusion—

in the play of lila, you are perfectly placed

in that position of the game to apprehend yourself

merely by not seeking something other—

victims, warriors, masters—


twee verse 46 - antilove

the antilove rules this world;

awake, arise, amour!

the antilove is the antichrist

and the number of this beast

is anything but one.

the antilove is who you think

you are despite the truth

love is all there is—

to argue, fight or battle

with the antilove is only

continuing in following

the wayward byways of

misleading antilove;

relax and be yourself:



twee verse 45 - rumplestiltskin

snow white and

the seven rainbow revelations—

sun light year long tall grass land falls.

prince valiant and

the effortless—

unconditional love will pull the strings.

sleeping beauty and

the dream song—

sunshine supermatrix organic consciousness dreamstuff.

rumplestiltskin and

the wordless…


twee verse 44 - rain

the rain of thoughts pounding

on the ground of thought

within the open groundless—

which way did i go?

awareness in devotion to itself

reducing these words towards

an absent open blissful union—

beyond acceptance and rejection,

beyond effort and practice,

beyond cause and effect,

consciousness is as it is—

the sky of i, the wham of am.

my essence, awareness—

my nature, being—

my energy, bliss—

this which thinks it's something

other than that searching for that

which is something other

than this! o the big laugh!


twee verse 43 - light

when the child of sunlight

shines her own light on her

nature that is sunlight,

she can see there's nothing

but all sunlight and she

starts to laugh out lightly.

(from the outside,

light appears

to be frozen

in separate elements

and admixtures,

but from the inside

all is known to be

elementally light.)

light is

the inner child—

light is

beloved mother—

light is

the true home schooling—

light is

the universal subject.


twee verse 42 - teaching

awareness is the student—

awareness is the teacher—

awareness is the teaching.

as long as you think

you're a thought,

you can't be aware

you're awareness.

there are many ways and vehicles used

to decondition the conditioning

of thinking you're a thought

but none can take you all the way.

no cause

can take you

to the causeless.

as soon as your vehicle or way

has dropped off the conditioning

of thinking you're a thought,

just rest there in awareness of pure being.

this is where there's nothing else to do,

the simple open threshold

where awareness is reuniting

with awareness.


twee verse 41 - self-aware

i amnesiac—

to gain an individual world

but lose the sole reality.

you are That to the extent self-aware

but this to the extent which is not—

self-awareness is self-done;

whatever is not self-aware becomes so

not of its own volition; hence, relax—

rest in the clear self no-mind

teaching sky of absolute unknown


twee verse 40 - intuitive

the mother and child

reunion is only

a notion away—

opening the intuitive

third eye is opening

the door of a house

reuniting the luminous

space of being with

the radiant sky of reality—

the door opens when

belief in the door is



twee[+++] 39 - karmadelic

karma is the possible

spontaneous undoing

of an impossible

egoic doing—

thus karmadelic corrections

make the world

go round—

whatever you think to do

will be undone;

whatever you love to do



twee[+++] verse 38 - ray it

(image: Blue Flower ~Georgia O'Keefe)

overthinking no-mind—

ray it, don't say it.


things change.

there are no things but change.

there is no change.


what happens from birth to death

is but a dream there is a birth and death,

and a dream there is a dream.

free from all conceptual analysis,

all framework spontaneously combusts,

unborn, directionless,

unreachably here,

timelessly now,

say hey!


twee[+++] 37 - monsters

(image: Temptation of St. Anthony ~Joos van Craesbeeck)

the world is mad

because it's an impossible effect—

monsters from the black lagoon:

half form, half space;

half unconscious, half aware;

half selfish, half loving;

half there, half here;

one big clusterfractal,



twee[+++] verse 36 - oz

(image: The Royal Book of Oz ~John R. Neill)

you are where the words aren't.

as if clouds are the sky itself—

as if!

who will have the least word?

talking head unsaid—

ten thousand causes and no effect—

thoughtless being is not being thoughtless—

love by any other name is still not a name—

we interrupt this word—

oz is


twee[+++] verse 35 - buddha

(image: Buddha Painting- Zen Garden III ~Paola Gonzalez)

self-righteousness gets in the way;

love is the way;

no way—

still nondenominational—

clear skies, full moon, can't move—

i was so much older then,

i'm unborn in that now—

it's not about the doing to be done

but the doing not done—

apres buddha la buddha


twee[+++] verse 34 - super...

(image: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 
~edu barba)

you're either all in or all out—

the refresh rate on all appearances

in awareness is set at now—

the effort of no effort,

the action of inaction,

the steadily advancing surrender—

there is no purpose

in creating what already

exists from the beginning—
