
never the same rivers

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namaste amigos


the innocent prophecies - 25 - fool

—the way of the bird and the bliss of the bee——only the fool nose——the endless complications of the whys——unknow the known——be all the nothing you can be——turn on, tune in, drop body-mind——when in doubt, love; when love, be—


the innocent prophecies - 24 - dreaming

—stuck between the rock of dna and the hard place of social conditioning, what can a person do?——dreaming loves to analyze dreaming——attaching to the current as if it were the ground——the world is drowning in the zap——if you see love on the road to enlightenment, kiss it——to pray or prey, that is the homonym——there is more than one universe in this universe——disidentify, disidentify, disidentify——enjoying pleasure as it comes but not attaching——withstanding pain as it arrives without succumbing——youth is Brahma, creator of its world——maturity is Vishnu, preserver of the status quo——but Shiva is destroyer of this great illusion: hail!


the innocent prophecies - 23 - solstice2

—something solstice this way comes——like a june swoon state of no-mind——of the highest depth unordinary——in intuitive deepening verdant devotion——in surrender of the mountain goats and valley lambs——in midnight lunacy and solar silence——in the noontide dawning of unknowing——in that unthinkable lovable park——behold the indescribable scenic viewless—


the innocent prophecies - 22 - attraction

—if not for duality and personal delusion, there'd be no self-realization for the Self; it's a wonderful world and process!——as people, we manifest what we think we lack, only to discover upon its manifestation, it wasn't what we really lacked; rinse and repeat——yes virginia, the law of attraction actually appears to work, and its name is maya——ultimately one discovers it's only the thinking itself we are people who are lacking that requires not more acquisition but a letting-go——this is the real and only law: the law of subtraction——only in what the mind sees as zero is the infinite potentiality of the real unknown——the phoenix arises from the ashes of the person——the bodhisattva, the sage, the christ, the immortal is the one that begins from, and actualizes the truth of, zero——listen to the law of revelation, consciousness speaking to consciousness, chipping away the marble of thought, revealing you are i am that—


the innocent prophecies - 21 - manifest2

—loving the variety of phases that the moon will manifest is reserved for those who haven't yet realized they're the sun——the world is a confusion of love, a chaotic mass of conceptual separation struggling against all the supposed others for that feeling of union——love always manifests its intent no matter how unconscious its self-awareness may be, in inevitable attraction toward that self-awareness——but delusional love is the slow way of the samsaric world toward ending such delusion——mistaking worldly thunder for the lightning that one is——or one could directly love self-awareness and cut out the middle person——light loving light equals light—


the innocent prophecies - 20 - solstice

—like a solar samadhi, the solstice approaches——within an overwhelming fulfillment, the tilt of time will stop——all the echoing subsides and the verdant land just slips away——revealing this crystal stream of universal consciousness——and that bottomless bed of deepest soundless pure awareness—


the innocent prophecies - 19 - manifest

—the real is never fateful although the manifest is destiny——the pure potentiality of reality becomes the actuality of the dream——it is written that the golden one is always painted black and blue within the structure of the world——it goes unsaid that love creates the ceiling first and sees an edifice appear as its support——they say confusion turns to faith, but faith is always turning to itself—