
the innocent prophecies - 22 - attraction

—if not for duality and personal delusion, there'd be no self-realization for the Self; it's a wonderful world and process!——as people, we manifest what we think we lack, only to discover upon its manifestation, it wasn't what we really lacked; rinse and repeat——yes virginia, the law of attraction actually appears to work, and its name is maya——ultimately one discovers it's only the thinking itself we are people who are lacking that requires not more acquisition but a letting-go——this is the real and only law: the law of subtraction——only in what the mind sees as zero is the infinite potentiality of the real unknown——the phoenix arises from the ashes of the person——the bodhisattva, the sage, the christ, the immortal is the one that begins from, and actualizes the truth of, zero——listen to the law of revelation, consciousness speaking to consciousness, chipping away the marble of thought, revealing you are i am that—

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