
workoan 12: Sun Sonny

Now during the day, Sonny worked. At night, he went to college. He had to change schools though when he had reversed his life to this new dichotomy, as well as change his major. Instead of American Studies, he was now enrolled in Liberal Arts, with a concentration in English. That meant literature, and this semester he was taking a class in Shakespeare. The professor didn’t wait long before jumping right into things, beginning with King Lear.

At work, he was adjusting to the recent changes in management structure. Manufacturing had been divided into two departments, sub-assembly and final assembly, each with a supervisor. Bill was now the Director of Manufacturing, and the foreman of the tweeter department had been named Sub-Assembly Supervisor. Sonny now reported directly to her.

Lois was the same age as Sonny. They had become passing friends in the old building when he had worked nights and she days, sharing the same working space. She was the sun shift and he was that of the moon, they had joked. But they cooperated well with each other, ensuring their mutual space was kept clean and orderly for both woofer and tweeter concerns.

As Sonny began working days, they had become even closer partners, each filling in for the other when sick or on vacation. But when Lois became supervisor, that changed within a few days. Lois let Sonny know quickly there was no longer sun and moon; there was only the space of her own world.

And that was fine with Sonny. Yes, he'd have to adjust, but no, there wasn't any real envy on his behalf. He recognized that Lois was more responsible than himself in these matters. And things would have remained fine if Bill would have played his part with equal responsibility. But then again, that would not have been the way of this particular world.

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