
the river 1

i’ve lived by the river several years;

it rises with the tide, then lowers.

emotions laugh or cry, live and die,

this current flowing always within.


the babel sutra

out of the mouth of babel.

synchronicity blows the mind.

are you for real?

satguru trumps antiguru.

silence is.

don't think about it.

i am thanking.

be wordless.

ego is hard; truth is easy.

bliss is love without a second.

and the mind ran away with the moon.

once one sees
that one is not
the thought
with which once
one identified,
one no longer
traffics in
this thought;
one rests
within the way.

the mind is remarkable but only consciousness is intelligent.

leave it and love.

what happens to 3D if one uses the third eye?

seven billion stories high.

i am devoted to devotion in i am.

check, please.

in awareness being is unborn.

beware the knowledgeable.

one is the river before reflection.

positive is just as false as negative.


just saying 10 - creed

awareness the further,
consciousness the sun


just saying 9 - breakers

love is the reset button;
awareness is the off switch


the four realities

attention to one;

judgment in none;

compassion for all;



the antimetaphysics of baizhang (pai-chang)

If you cling to some fundamental purity or liberation…
the false idea of naturalism.

If you cling to the idea of self or things existence…
the false idea of eternalism.

If you cling to the self or things non-existence…
the false idea of nihilism.

If you cling to the twin concepts of existence and non-existence…
the false idea of partiality.

If you cling to a concept that things do not exist and also do not not exist…
the false idea of emptiness.

One should only practice in the present…without views about views,
which is called the correct view.


philosophy sutra

philosophy uses words as a means to know the truth;

wisdom uses words as pointers to unknowable truth.

philosophy is the hobgoblin of mind.

philosophy vs. foolosophy.

philosophers know. foolosophers no!

philosophers believe. foolosophers be!

philosophy minds; foolosophy loves.


the not conceptual thought but unconditional love in nothing but awareness sutra

All great men have abandoned learning and have come to rest in spontaneity. ~Huang Po

conceptual thought is not spontaneous; a person is just a replay of the past is just a replay of the past is just...

unconditional love is not conditioned, is spontaneous, is creative, is an expression of being nothing now.

body-mind is real but not body-mind; it can be pointed to as a node of the one consciousness becoming self-aware it’s nothing—but awareness.


dreamverse 4

in my dragonfly november field

wings of my overturning earth

anatomy of my lessening trees

mind of my cloud non-existent sky

embracing spacetime with my empty space

sweetly dissolving in my universe

aware i am all of this being aware

there’s nothing but my full awareness


dreamverse 3

walking on the clear november path,

pines in the north, snow in shadows,

trees with little leaves arising

through this intuition we are one

in self-reflection there is nothing

but this open meadow in the sun

of pathless wordless pure awareness.


the thus sutra

who grows accustomed to one's original face?

dream is spelled dna.

adoration is the guru.

you're inconceivable.

one could refute samuel johnson's thus, but where is he?

stale peanuts.

in Truth, the best science will ever do is find a different metaphor.

i have measured out my life in empty toilet paper rolls.

there is but one true belief: deconstruct all belief.

the make-believe was never made.

cynicism is mind love.

intuify intuify intuify.

being is the buzz

just because it's sanskrit doesn't mean it's not a metaphor.

no positive statement (assertion) can ever be True; negate negate.

only the experience of existence is undeniable; the assertion of one's existence isn't.

it's obvious there's no one here.

methinks thought out-thinks itself.

got my nojo workin'.

heads or tails?

let the silence call it.


the identification sutra

thought is inherently divisional;

identification with thought

creates a divisional

(i.e. violent)


but that

which is identified with thought

is not divisional,

and never completely identifies

with thought; that is the rub.

the two alternatives

to remove the rub:

completely identify with thought

and embrace its violence,

or be That which one is, empty of thought.

the view from this:

madman or the fool.

the view from that:

no damn madman,

no damn fool.