
the thus sutra

who grows accustomed to one's original face?

dream is spelled dna.

adoration is the guru.

you're inconceivable.

one could refute samuel johnson's thus, but where is he?

stale peanuts.

in Truth, the best science will ever do is find a different metaphor.

i have measured out my life in empty toilet paper rolls.

there is but one true belief: deconstruct all belief.

the make-believe was never made.

cynicism is mind love.

intuify intuify intuify.

being is the buzz

just because it's sanskrit doesn't mean it's not a metaphor.

no positive statement (assertion) can ever be True; negate negate.

only the experience of existence is undeniable; the assertion of one's existence isn't.

it's obvious there's no one here.

methinks thought out-thinks itself.

got my nojo workin'.

heads or tails?

let the silence call it.

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