
the unborn be four sutra

words are cheep.

true believers are always searching for an argument.

a murder of crows will find their caws.

truth has no fx.

enlightenment is nothing

more than seeing unenlightenment as unenlightenment.

seeing enlightenment as enlightenment is

more unenlightenment.

mirror mirror

on no wall.

who’s this adam;

did eve fall?

no thinking,

no doing,

no no-ing.

the yes is unaccented.


the unborn third times the sutra

It is called Being to negate the belief that Reality is non-existent.

It is called Consciousness to negate the belief that Reality is insentient.

It is called Bliss to negate the belief that Reality is suffering.

thus, satcitananda, being—consciousness—bliss, is not yet another belief, but a means to eradicate what appears to be common sense.

thus, do not hold onto the concepts of being—consciousness—bliss as some new super-sense to replace that common sense.

drop it

free fall



the unborn again sutra

slowly the vector of your life is coming into immanent realization

and you don't know what it is, mr. buddha.

the cure is almost always just a new beautiful disease.

teaching removes conditioned belief; believing a teaching is conditioning.

the most scenic view is no view.

not only emptiness, but the emptiness of emptiness.


an unborn sutra

the world is a memory in the mind of the unknown.

been nowhere and undone that.

all i know is i don't know.

the only answer is neither yes nor no.

i am that i am, unborn, unceasing.

the rest is spacetime stories.


just saying 11 - non

nonyada nonyada nonyada


the superego sutra

truth is some scary shit.

if truth doesn't scare a person, it ain't the truth.

if truth makes a person all warm and fuzzy, it's a lie.

truth is out to kill the person!

but alas, truth is most often co-opted by the super-person.

super-person in the psychological alphabet is spelled s-u-p-e-r-e-g-o.

superego is the foundation of all religious fundamentalism and most sarcastic pseudo-wisdom of the ordinary kind.

you weren't expecting the ego to give up without a fight, were you?

don't worry; surrender.

the superego loves a constant fight.

surrender is the kryptonite of spirituality.

surrender all conceptual thought and its identification.

the superego loves words; there are no words in this surrender.

over and out.


the river 11

low tide and crows patrol this mucky shore

a seal is swimming passably far upriver

across the slack water, tall banks reveal deep roots

a white horse is passing through that unearthly forest


the river 10

across the river appear eastern white pines of great solitude and silence.

in that darkness rests a sleeping crow—

it sounds no caws, no caws.

below, the grass remains ungrown.

above, there is no space.

in the middle is a spot of neither following nor face.


unsettled words (the river 9)

the sky will fill with words when words arise from out of what expansive sea of words?

to see there are no words and yet to speak a sea of words is seeing.

thus the scene is set for these unsettled words:

all words are like the hydrologic cycle

neither logical nor psychic.

rain is falling on the mindful northern mountains.

streams are flowing through the tongues of western ridges.

rivers run through tender arms of southern valleys.

oceans rise to form the heart of eastern storm clouds.

lightning listens to the thunder that is silence.


the river 8

blue silk sky, blue corduroy river

winter sun is shot through one

spilling flood lights on the other

unraveling that which seems undone


the river 7

across the current comes an eagle

no, a sizeable seagull, lands

a great blue heron, pterodactyl-

like a krishna yawps arise!


the river 6

the wind is forming waves and waves

arising in white caps as if unaware

that within its confusion of space and of water

a wave is not a wave—one’s river


the river 5

a sharp clear shower falls on the water

every drop is a point of light

the sky the rain the river—one

the sun in all as being none


the river 4

cloud cover begins to break and blue

divisions of sky appear as birds

take wing above a bridge across

the water flowing always flowing


the river 3

december water wilderness

with docks surrendered to the shore

and not a boat to wake the flow—

a graceful place reflecting space


the one unknown sutra

Zero Flood Slot Hat, Seventy-eight Shout Tosser, Check Substance, Check Principle, Hut One, Hut Two, Go Deep!

all the world is conditioned; nothing one says is ever original. just assume quotation marks when there's none.

it takes one to know one.

everything in the world is a repeat.

there is no one way; one saying so is not the one.

little big mind.

how can one be born again when one was never born?

doubt it.

ten thousand pulpits of one.

at best, the mind can only marvel.

the more one sees, the less one says.

waist deep in the big doubt.

one is neither cause nor effect but essentially indeterminate.

to the mind, the answer is necessarily the question.

one is light of light from light in light to light.

what would the unknown do?

one is breathless.


the river 2

slack tide, no sun, enfolding clouds

the river reflecting every detail

spontaneously a breeze, bird, boat

ah the fun house mirroring begun