
the one unknown sutra

Zero Flood Slot Hat, Seventy-eight Shout Tosser, Check Substance, Check Principle, Hut One, Hut Two, Go Deep!

all the world is conditioned; nothing one says is ever original. just assume quotation marks when there's none.

it takes one to know one.

everything in the world is a repeat.

there is no one way; one saying so is not the one.

little big mind.

how can one be born again when one was never born?

doubt it.

ten thousand pulpits of one.

at best, the mind can only marvel.

the more one sees, the less one says.

waist deep in the big doubt.

one is neither cause nor effect but essentially indeterminate.

to the mind, the answer is necessarily the question.

one is light of light from light in light to light.

what would the unknown do?

one is breathless.

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