
Gone Altogether Beyond Visualization

There are many practices involving visualization. I feel such practices may be useful if used to reach a jumping off point to an observation of being. But since any visualization practice is one utilizing thought in its domain of imagination, if one doesn’t jump, it just remains more mind. To paraphrase Allen Ginsberg, I’ve seen the best minds of contemporary spirituality destroyed by imagination.

It’s probably best to utilize a visualization practice which is suited for the particular mind visualizing. To suggest a visualization which is suited to one mind for the use of another mind is pure madness, and I guess would likely land that other mind exactly there. Mind is merely memory and no memory is alike. So one mind’s visualization will easily become another mind’s lunatic belief.

This mind is suited to the following visualization based on the reflexive process of the light of awareness. Please do not practice this at home. Create your own. I describe this only to indicate the necessity of a jumping off point. I will not be responsible for leading you to some mad mad mad mad finger-pointing world.

First, I visualize the light of awareness manifesting through what scientists call the Big Bang, but what I prefer to see as the Big Love. This pure light descends transforming into the rock-like molecular structure of something like a moon-like earth, passing through previous intervals of wave/particle patterning and atomic formation. I like to visualize this resultant moon-like earth to be as hard as a great big white western ego.

Then this bare rock planet is called back by the light, transforming into a movement of organic molecules, to a rustling of various botanies, to the evolution of self-maneuvering animal life until the human nervous system arrives ready now to ascend back into that light of pure awareness.

And then I jump.

Into that being aware of being, light aware of light, dissolving into the unknown nonentity of being light.

gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

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