
arising sonnet

it's never too late to know you're full of shit and evacuate yourself.

taking things personally is the meaning of life for any person.

ego is the master deceiver; abandon all hope ye who divine it.

feel the i of this manifested storm lost in the wind of the me.

who knows what love lurks in the dreams of men and women? only the heart knows!

first, pay attention. then, pay attention to attention.

be beyond the box that's thinking outside the box which is just another box inside the same old box.

feel the affectionate foundation of that universal presence and let it build one’s house of dawn each day.

peaceful self-intelligent energy arising out of pure potentiality of the big unknown once had a great notion to jump in the river and drown.

don't think, be aware of being aware, be; it's not rocket science!

not taking the personal personal and resting in that which has always been being.

we interrupt this dream to say there are no interruptions in this dream that can be said.

ego is the antichrist; the workaday world is the antilove; the second coming is your awakening; the final judgment is now; arise!

only this: only now is alive; only play is work; only love is purpose. and only resting in peace is the way which that manifests this.

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