
Jesus H-Christ

O Jesus,
middle eastern rising guru,
single in your nondual teaching,
paragon of parables in koan-like power,
tantric master living life without a second wasted,

loving bastard child of Mary,
loving brother, loving friend, and loving lover,
loving teacher teaching loving,
loving son of loving father loving spirit,
loving all as loving one is manifested in your loving word,

its liveliness of breathing in and breathing out,
accepting all, attached to nothing,
even in that darkest hour of brutal torture,
loving energy of living flesh is whipped and torn,
good-natured energy of head and scalp is pierced with thorns,
adoring energy of legs and arms is pressed beneath the weight of wood,
devoted energy of life itself is nailed and hung upon

your Shiva Shakti Cross where you O Jesus, O Tantrika,
shall receive all chakra suffering within your own mandala,
and within the exhalation of your mantra of forgiveness,
knowingly and willingly and in your tender lotus death release
its kundalini to the world, a single awe-inspiring blood atomic bomb!

with energy reverberating so completely in its scope of overwhelming power
the Roman Empire is consumed within its breathtaking blast,
and worldly hells of hieronymus inquisitions
and worldly heavens of michelangelo cathedrals
become created in its aftermath,

while underneath samsaric surface,
white waters of nirvana teaching,
floating in their mystic whirlpools,
ever one and lasting loving,
knowing only love and wonder,
always here and now unknowing...

~Son Rivers 2010

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