
the metaphor sutra

silence is the shadow of the truth.

good morning, beautiful multi-colored pet snake of the sensible world!

the magician of consciousness that believes its own trick.

one could say it took almost 14 billion years to pull the rabbit out of its hat but the 14 billion years is part of the trick!

who's the rabbit?

the world of ten thousand mixed metaphors!

going out to play in the falling metaphors...

in the sun and of the sun.

sight itself is the greatest occlusion.

space: the final metaphor.

the autumn falling believes!

believe no words, no matter how lightly they wear their metaphor. no word is naked. one is not even 'awareness.'

without metaphor, there's nothing to say and that's the truth.

truth is only witnessed on an experiential intuitive level;

words are for fools! ~a fool

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