
the waking sutra

before time & space is awareness,

& in the beginning was light of consciousness

evolving through good & bad

until all is clear in awareness.

one doesn't wake up in the world.

the world becomes clear in one.

embrace your pawn.

it's your only move.

check and mate.

the taste of bliss and then

shit happens; rinse and repeat.

“unscrew the locks from the doors!

unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs!”

disattach, disattach, disattach.

unscrew, unscrew, unscrew.

unscrew you!

unscrew me!

“i speak the password primeval”


what is called the mind can only lead

to the knowledge one is not the mind.

only pure existence itself is intuit.

going back to the deep sleep pure awareness

to where one always inevitably goes

because one is always there in actuality.

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