
the big idea sutra

ancient but shiny sharpened double-edged ideas

to which all ideas are dropped—

or else one becomes that idea

always looking for an argument.

the great zen master hung one in the middle of the plate

and who hit a liner to i don't know.

stop if you've heard this one:

an intellectual walks into his mind

and asks for an enlightenment.

the bartender says nothing;

so the intellectual starts a ceaseless argument...

next day the intellectual walks into his mind

and says you had best give me that enlightenment.

bartender says, sure, ok—

just don't get any ideas.

welcome to maha maya;

please take a number.

welcome to the great dream;

please take a name.

welcome to our spirituality floor;

please take an idea.

ah, i see you’ve found our double-secret wisdom room

where we keep the most dangerous ideas;


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