
the unborn super sutra

all i know is i don't know.

the only answer is neither yes nor no.

the cure is almost always just a new beautiful disease.

teaching removes conditioned belief; believing a teaching is conditioning.

the most scenic view is no view.

not only emptiness, but the emptiness of emptiness.

It is called Being to negate the belief that Reality is non-existent.

It is called Consciousness to negate the belief that Reality is insentient.

It is called Bliss to negate the belief that Reality is suffering.

thus, satcitananda, being—consciousness—bliss, is not yet another belief, but a means to eradicate what appears to be common sense.

thus, do not hold onto the concepts of being—consciousness—bliss as some new super-sense to replace that common sense.


enlightenment is nothing

more than seeing unenlightenment as unenlightenment.

seeing enlightenment as enlightenment is

more unenlightenment.

huineng's three articles of faith:

no thought is the doctrine;

no form is the substance;

no attachment is the foundation.

no thinking,

no doing,

no no-ing.

the yes is unaccented.

not light but the essence of light

the dark womb

the dark mirror

the de-light.

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