
a completely pointless sutra

open sesame; who's on first.

some words point the way only when you reach their point upon the way; until that point they just appear completely pointless.

enlightenment isn't ironic.

thought is first to claim it knows the point despite the point what thought knows is always besides the point.

irony is the last refuge of mind avoiding void.

words point away from thought to places thought calls feelings, intuition, love, and the like, but ultimately wordless.

smoke gets in the eyes.

words like being, i-am, witnessing, consciousness, awareness, satcitananda, kingdom of God, and many others thought will claim to know—

pavlov's coyote.

and thought does know, but that knowledge is, again, beside the point.

the war on reality just about sums it all up.

enlightenment is such a point. it's not a name so don't wear it out.

then again, what's the point?

i don't know; that's on third eye.

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