
the nameless sutra

only the nameless can be named—

unthink the thinkable and know the unknown;

if something is real, it doesn't need a name.

the needle is the truth; the bubble is the world—

it's a mute point.

awareness feels.

thoughts are drunk with thought.

people really believe themselves.

house of beliefs—every one is a joker.

there is nothing to which one can point to

as anything or nothing—

everytime I say it's a dream,

you say it's real;

everytime I say it's real,

you say it's a dream.

the light-dream dreams about light.

when the light-dream realizes it is light,

it never was—

the light-dream forming

intricate dimensions toward

instantaneous awakening to that.

you have taken 14 billion rock-years

to see that you're a light-now—

this is it;

light the lights.

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