
postpersonal sutra 3

spartan peacenik orange greeting

masterminding surfboard revolutionary echoes;

wobble hollow waffles jesus watch parade

transcendental whisper nets phenomenal;

intuitive elastic protein light kachinas oscillating

in the pan fantastic universal haiku mixer;

pagoda panthers underneath suburban aztec

innocent cathedral darkening precipitous inukshuk;

sure tectonic inspirational pubescent root ball

morning candles dew and smoke flamingos;

beach ball fountain white sail angels holy roman

cruising taoists iceberg blue tomato happenstance.


inevitably sutra

the person is inherently, logically, choicelessly, inevitably

both delusional and divided.

insanity and violence is its "natural" order.

thinking oneself as a thing separate

from the totality of no thing is delusional.

identifying with a thought is, as thought is,


it's no wonder that insanity and violence abound,

but rather that they don't completely dominate the dream.

thank the satguru for its work.

a little unconditional love will do you.


postpersonal sutra 2

cynicism mathematics missing turquoise

undergrowth in fearsome yawns of canyon;

metal dictionary root canal

knight time haunted laundry whistles dancing;

corn mosquito cape tornado verbing

every sink propellor fetal tune;

salt sea sunflower london hawks are falling;

tidal monk bananas notwithstanding whole wheat;

shiva berries winging lingua nolo bat sombreros.


postpersonal sutra 1

the red objective of evening birdsong

apricots the winnebago cactus;

political photosynthesis is kissing all

the blue guitars with oceanic driftwood;

canoe the geodesic mountain lily great

sequoia cooling shots of buddha love guns.


monkeymind sutra

these words appear to be words to other words,

but in truth these words are not words at all:

lost in spacetime,

planet of the monkeymind,

ouroboros and natasha,

arising from the christ devouring the tao,

light eats light,

no one ate the apple,

the muck and fire,

organic amplification,

solar reflux,

consensual matters,

the quantum quacks,

monkey shines,

all gone,


who am i? do not pass go.

it's all just string tricks.

words won't let words stop.


holey sutra

blank check

clear sailing

vacant see

bare lee

a hole in none

devoid of void


et tu sutra

the breeze the breeze the breeze is

wafting wafting wafting thru

the window what window all window

no window window wind oh!

i am creation experiencing myself through this crown.

thank you for letting me be my Self again.

the dream of open eyes awakening to the black hole of awareness—

it is what it isn't.

sun-dappled dharma shadow,

the french curve of a bird in flight,

the questioning echo of a barking dog,

an ant of beginning—

unbelievable unthinkable

unknowing unknown,

it's not what you think.

nothing is ever one thing—

the real gong show,

wet dust,

light show,

in tu it.


crown sutra

the sharp short music of songbirds

sounding in the sun-painted chambers of green hall may—

these rough-textured trunks arising

from the ground of gravitational earth exploding

in the tens of thousand verdant solar leaflets—

no words envelop all the energetic pure

intelligence erupting from the sentience of mind

dividing its one being in a variegated reverie—

photosynthesis my eye!

the crown of creation only lies heavy

when creation identifies with its crown


unadulterated sutra

first word, only word;

no way, best way.

words! good god y'all.

what are they good for?

absolutely nothing!

say it again.

procreation multiplied,

thought divided,

knowledge added,

now subtract.

unadulterate yourself.


math sutra

upon the disappearance of the personal,

all persons disappear—

such is the undoing in the bodhisattva.

i made it all up—

shakti made me do it.

i carry one opinion: no opinion is true—

the end of argument:

it's the impersonal, know-it-all;

all politics is anti-christ;

render unto samsara what is samsara.

here's the math:

to carry one opinion that no opinion is true =

that one opinion is therefore false =

to carry no opinion.


eek sutra

none of this is true.

once upon a time there was some space

and in this space there was a thought

eek i am why oh!

with division here and division there,

here an object, there an object

everywhere a shiny object,

pure awareness had a dream

eek i am why oh!


intuit sutra

this amnesia began with a big bang.

once one remembers, there's no time for remembering.

what happens in space-time stays in space-time.

i just dropped in to see what condition my conditioning is in.

first comes inquiry and when you think you know,

inquire some more until one knows. then rest.

what is the purpose of purpose?

to say the only words worth saying yet never can be said,

it's only consciousness but i am it.

one can simplify reality to any prime experience.

expressible in thought, it's still false.

again it's intuitive, a taste, not a thought at all.

the nearest so-called normalcy to it is that thing called love

which one knows when in its presence is not a thing at all.

i give up; awareness isn't an option.

floating within the rolling buoyancy of intuition,

intuiting that all is one intuiting,

going deeper intuit one discovers one is intuit.


nothing to sutra

why would one

who knows there's no one

and nothing to do

tell another one

there's no one

and nothing to do?

there's still something to do

if the mind thinks

there's nothing to do.


dandelion sutra

don't buy the hype—

the world is surely a show

but it has nothing to do with reality.

the false has many names;

truth, none.

silently, hold up

a dandelion gone to seed;

put your lips together,

and blow.


precognitive sutra

if the mind is the box, and it is,

there is no thinking outside the box.


as in knowledge stored

in the memory of the mind, is helpful

only to a point,

and not helpful if believed.

not knowledge, thought or belief but

intuitive apprehension,

affectionate awareness,

visceral apperception,

precognitive taste,

a divination.

there is no objective but

a liquidation of objective,

the dissolution of the salient,

a return to the sea which was

never deserted.

newtonian religion clarifies

to quantum spirituality clarifies

to string consciousness clarifies

to pure awareness.


descends to wave/particle

descends to atomic

descends to


ascends to

organic ascends to

vertebraeic/brain ascends to


light sees it's light,

always light,

nothing but light,

never not light,

one light,

indivisible light,

all light

only light

and light is all.


kill the sutra

if you meet a word on the way,

kill it.


the nonconceptual:












to be or believe,






unapologetic sutra

apperceivably subjective;

unapologetically illogical.

before enlightenment, light;

after enlightenment, light.

in this thought,

but not of this thought.

past only gives texture

to the emptiness of now—



this world is suffering

an identity crisis.

in darkness, offshore,

a fog horn sounds the silent ocean.

immeasurably ascientific;

manifestly immaterial.


discriminating sutra

judgment determines

good and bad;

discrimination determines

true and false—

judgment for none,

discrimination for all.

love acts;

thought reacts.

you think you're a thought;

i am is love.

in awareness,


in awareness of awareness,


all things are you;

there are no things.


and smell the i.


no sutra

memory is past is identity.

desire is future is salvation.

nothing is now is truth.

dream is stirring from mind at rest

—manifest unmanifest—

northeast by southwest.


stop sutra

identification with thought

is the only thing one can surrender,

renounce, stop doing, deny, drop, let go,

yield, discontinue, nix, neti neti.

such surrender is not

a doing at all,

but a stopping of the illusion

of a doing.

true immanence is an intuitive taste—

an inner feeling—

a wisdom touch of grass, trees and walls—

the knowing of all in one and one in all.

stop doing, surrender identity—

dropping off body and mind—

the noumenon in all phenomena

and all phenomena in the noumenon—

and that is all.

common samadhi
of river and shore
and white pines and reeds
and red-wings and great blue herons
and this path


mayabe sutra

happy maya day—

a metro-goldwyn-maya production.

hold the butter, hold the lettuce, hold the maya.

maya you live in interesting times—

mayabe, mayabe not.

the river rises, flows over its banks and carries us all away like mayaflies floating downstream.

jesus maya and joseph.

say hey willie maya!

murder and mayahem.

sgt pepper's lonely hearts club maya.

zen and the art of maya maintenance.

gone with the maya.


fool sutra

don't fool the fool;

there's something to do

until you know

there's nothing to do.

as long as one thinks

one is a person,

there's something to do:

stop thinking one's a person.

when one knows one

is not a person,

one knows there's nothing

to do; one is done.