
precognitive sutra

if the mind is the box, and it is,

there is no thinking outside the box.


as in knowledge stored

in the memory of the mind, is helpful

only to a point,

and not helpful if believed.

not knowledge, thought or belief but

intuitive apprehension,

affectionate awareness,

visceral apperception,

precognitive taste,

a divination.

there is no objective but

a liquidation of objective,

the dissolution of the salient,

a return to the sea which was

never deserted.

newtonian religion clarifies

to quantum spirituality clarifies

to string consciousness clarifies

to pure awareness.


descends to wave/particle

descends to atomic

descends to


ascends to

organic ascends to

vertebraeic/brain ascends to


light sees it's light,

always light,

nothing but light,

never not light,

one light,

indivisible light,

all light

only light

and light is all.

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