
intuit sutra

this amnesia began with a big bang.

once one remembers, there's no time for remembering.

what happens in space-time stays in space-time.

i just dropped in to see what condition my conditioning is in.

first comes inquiry and when you think you know,

inquire some more until one knows. then rest.

what is the purpose of purpose?

to say the only words worth saying yet never can be said,

it's only consciousness but i am it.

one can simplify reality to any prime experience.

expressible in thought, it's still false.

again it's intuitive, a taste, not a thought at all.

the nearest so-called normalcy to it is that thing called love

which one knows when in its presence is not a thing at all.

i give up; awareness isn't an option.

floating within the rolling buoyancy of intuition,

intuiting that all is one intuiting,

going deeper intuit one discovers one is intuit.

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