
the nonet sutra

listen to your inner nonet

stop, look & listen, but find your own way;

when in doubt, love.

after all is said and done, there you are, still

east of light and west of spacetime.

there's nothing you can know that is the unknown.

devoted to that which doesn't know i am.

i lit a lamp to see myself but only saw the light.

one knows the real in loving that which is seen to be illusion.


fractal sutra

darkness at the edge of ego

my belief is bigger than yours

what are the odds for ten thousand to one?

sometimes you eat the snake

and sometimes the snake eats you

and all of the time you are the snake

but no time is there ever any snake.

who am i, what is light, and why a dragonfly

were sitting nowhere as all spacetime stopped;

seeing sees nothing to be seen

not a thought, not a knot of thought,

not even a dot of a positive thought,

not even that curative counteractive thought,

no, not even not.

it's all fractal

dream within dream within dream

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...


good grief sutra

don't underestimate the overlooked; when it suddenly appears, it will be one energetic and revealing ride. eyes open!

the 5 stages of grief are just the 5 flavors of thought. kind of fascinating to watch them form & melt. but lick one & your heart burns or freezes.

and you will lick them all or they’ll lick you.

1st stage of grief is called denial. i call it sadness. an extroverted thought-emotion. crying is usually its outward sign.

2nd stage of grief is another extroverted thought-emotion: anger. its outward sign is a loud voicing or physical action.

3rd stage of grief is bargaining; i call it fear. an introverted thought-emotion. its inward sign is a stress, strain, anxiety.

4th stage of grief is called negotiation; i call it depression. an inward thought emotion. its inward sign is a physical malaise.

the 1st four stages happen as thoughts arising. if you buy into the thought, you're in for a ride. but they need to be acknowledged or else they keep on returning.

at first, the grief thought dominates the ego thought; later, the ego thought may utilize the grief thought.

the final one of the five stages of grief is acceptance. ah, this is the trickiest one. for this too must pass.

when a cycle of thoughts incessantly arise, it helps to write them all down; now those little objects are pinned in place for safe-keeping.

when the thoughts are later reviewed, one can see already a change in one’s point of view toward them; the story is not as consistent as one believes: the personal ego shift.

the fifth stage of grief is called acceptance: ‘i know what happened & accept it.’ but there could be a 6th stage: non-acceptance. but a 7th stage?

in non-acceptance, whichever thought pattern dominates the personal ego (sadness, anger, depression, or fear) will remain to direct the grief.

in acceptance, the personal ego will continue to believe in its ongoing story, just creating a new one from the recent grief.

the 7th stage of grief, transcendence: i don’t know what really happened. not acceptance nor non-acceptance; it is what it is: life/love/i-am happening.


ashes sutra

what a tangled web thought weaves.

your concept is just another object

the mistake of a snake

from the spring of a string

is the skin of the spin

called original sin.

my social conditioning

thinks your social conditioning

is the wrong kind of social conditioning.

ashes to ashes, light to light

it's a peaceful energetic emptiness.

may the way remain unpaved.


the letter sutra

dear i am;

i am.


i am


beverly sutra

almost no one speaks to what personal love (my lover) may be lost

when a so-called person follows the way toward universal love (i am)

jed mckenna comes closest (that i'm aware) to depicting such alienation

when one loses the human form, but not on the level of personal love

i remember five years ago telling my lover i was afraid the path i couldn't leave

(but she just had to) would result in our personal separation

and today it inevitably did…

just saying the way is not all wine and roses

like watching a car crash in five year's slow motion and praying all that time

maybe the gods will intercede—but the gods are you and her

and knowing she was the one who helped you on this way

in her beautiful embodiment of love doesn't help at all

“the love i lost was a sweet love”

“i will never love again”


INFINITE googolplexplus sutra

as if


in a dream

evolves via



thru a googolplexplus

of rearranging

patterns into

what appears

as many

not in a dream


beyond sutra

feel the undertow

intuition sea

universal flow

i without a me

that becoming this

this is always that

one is being bliss

beyond begone begat

that was never this.


my favorite sutra

cream colored nothing

& crisp apple doodles,

door ways & no way

& something with noodles,

wild words that fly

with the moon on their strings,

these are a few of my manifest things.

when the fog bites,

when the be wings,

when i disappear,

i simply remember

my manifest things

and then i remain

all clear.


the five stages sutra

the five stages of consciousness (warning to consciousness: these thoughts may be dangerous to the thoughts with which you have identified):

1. child: thoughts are first inserted.

2. teen: thoughts begin to realign & struggle for predominance.

3. adulthood: thoughts condense refine & fight.

4. awakening: a rogue thought revealing one's identity with thought as conditioned & inauthentic enters this complex of thought and destroys it.

5. enlightenment: after destruction of the thought complex which may appear to be a long apocalyptic-like affair, all that remains never wasn't.


i am electric sutra

beware of know-it-alls—

words only point and then are to be dropped—

there is nothing to be known.

make no mistake about it—

there are mistakes in this world—

however, there is no world.

i sing the 'i am' electric—

the subtle infinite perfect

orgasm of nothing but being.

there is no person—

there's only the concept of a person—

holding onto the concept is the doing that can't be done.

holding on to the self concept of a person

involves the so-called doing one calls

fear, desire, division, and suffering.

holding on to the concept of a person

is an impossibility that goes—

one tao or another death.

amazing how mind will contrive

tons and tons of religious, quasi-spiritual, esoteric bullshit

from the simple weightless seed of being.

metaphysical is just a poor

excuse for the physical—

there is no excuse.

never has so one done

so much for so many

with so none.


egregious sutra

the assumption of personal sovereignty

is the original sin, the egregious error,

the big mistake, the hapless illusion,

and the primal belief.

a conscious person is consciousness, not a person.

the belief that consciousness arises from inert matter is

actually unscientific materialism,

the superstitious meta-paradigm of a modern world.

the one blessing of postmodernism is

its affinity for deconstruction,

what was called in another time and place,

neti neti, not this not this.

life is light and light is life

and little lambs eat ivy.