
beverly sutra

almost no one speaks to what personal love (my lover) may be lost

when a so-called person follows the way toward universal love (i am)

jed mckenna comes closest (that i'm aware) to depicting such alienation

when one loses the human form, but not on the level of personal love

i remember five years ago telling my lover i was afraid the path i couldn't leave

(but she just had to) would result in our personal separation

and today it inevitably did…

just saying the way is not all wine and roses

like watching a car crash in five year's slow motion and praying all that time

maybe the gods will intercede—but the gods are you and her

and knowing she was the one who helped you on this way

in her beautiful embodiment of love doesn't help at all

“the love i lost was a sweet love”

“i will never love again”

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