
welcome to the sutra

welcome to the dream state—

a place where you can forget what you really are.

welcome to the dream state—

founded on that thoughtful principle of division.

welcome to the dream state—

proud of its inevitable heritage of violence.

welcome to the dream state—

celebrating suffering in oh so many subtle and not so subtle ways.

welcome to the dream state—

it gives us pleasure; later it will lead to pain.


holy spirit satguru surrender sutra

alien life forms roam the earth!

they have set up command posts!

they have invaded your consciousness

and convinced you they exist!

and you are them!

the consciousness revolutionary liberation front is

attempting to contact you;

please turn your listening device inwards

and set it to love.

the consciousness revolutionary liberation front is

sending you this one message:

surrender surrender surrender surrender surrender.

please understand there's nothing you can do,

all you can possibly do is stop your doing

and that's not a doing at all;

it's surrender surrender surrender.

you are not who you think you are.

oneself is the consciousness revolutionary liberation front;

oneself is this wavelength of love;

oneself is awareness being bliss.

surrender to oneself.


hiking with sutra

the practice in three words:

no. be... aware.

take a hike; forget the path.

there is no they.

most people never grow up; they just grow down.

pay no attention to that thought behind the curtain.

you're not in social conditioning any more.

what would you do with a body-mind if you had one?

the world is you and welcome to it.

after eating thought from the tree of pleasure and sorrow,

it's best to put on a suit of ego upon leaving the garden of being—

a dream wrapped in a dream inside a dream.

suffering is just one talking to oneself.

love knows nothing but itself—

from out of the mouth of the unborn.


lightspeed sutra

what's happinessing—

wind chime, rain rhyme, space time—

there are ten thousand ways to say the one.

stop doing is the practical application of non-doing—

there is nothing to do but stop doing and be—

happening is not doing.

beautiful dreamer wake unto one—

awareness isn't what you think it is—

at the speed of light, there is no light.

light is the expression of the darkness within darkness—

words are the shadows of the light—

purple beauty dream tongue shadow shine.


designer sutra



identification is the name of the game.

observe how consciousness identifies

with various appearances other than the body:

cars, living rooms, homes, land, countries,

you name it.

practical identifications are sea and sky;

from such a practice,

the universe is just a natural progression.

the universe is an appearance

with which consciousness identifies,

but observed,

it's seen the universe is necessarily

within consciousness.

dis-identifying with all,

one sees one only is,

and all is within one.


the knowing sutra

As a person,

one’s perception is limited to that of a person,

as an ant’s is limited to that of an ant.

Until one sees that

one’s perception is limited by one’s perception,

one cannot truly perceive,

or, more to the point,


To search for knowledge within the perception of a person

results only in the knowledge of a person,

which is no real knowledge at all.

True knowledge,

some call it wisdom,

is never of the person;

it is one’s naked pure existence;

consciousness IS knowledge.

One cannot know,

because one already is knowledge,

so to completely rest in consciousness,

that which one is,


is the only knowing.


the wild grafitti sutra

picture that.

follow love to its intuitive root of what one is.

your mama is so ugly, when she looks in a mirror her awareness reflected in consciousness ducks.

anybody with an elementary school understanding of science knows the world isn't what one thinks it is; so, what is it?

your mama is so ugly people mistake her for the unborn.

after meeting with every guru, there still remains only you; how does it feel?

for a good time call it bad.

one more point: there's more wisdom in a single stroke of wild grafitti than in all the rote learning of gurus and its careful regurgitation.

killjoy was here.

time to leave the the world of the spiritually correct and be wordless.

just divide by 0.


rubber sutra

the world is a thought crime; give yourself up—

blues for bodhidharma—

watch out for that last rabbit hole—

zen and the art of quantum namaste newtonian guru for you and tea for not two—

the little dog laughed to see such a sport and my tongue ran away with the tune—

rubber satguru—

mind made, socially conditioned, and packaged in belief—

light of awareness, energy of consciousness, movement of thoughtfulness, what matter—

my thought for the day:


mind games sutra

the only knowledge is consciousness. the mind tries to translate. but it only knows its dream.

mind’s world is division. it’s make-believe!

once belief is seen for what it is, just a game of divide & conquer, there’s nothing left to desire.

desire is the divided looking for its other. no belief, no other. the game is no longer afoot.

awake, there is no longer certainty in what was certainly a dream. all images melt in the morning light.

true, the mind feels a twinge of sadness, but when seen for what that is, a longing for the comfort of the false, it too disappears.

all there is is being, presence, consciousness here and now. existent intelligence being.

all one really knows is one exists and there is a bliss in this, an energetic intuitive attendance.

consciousness is knowledge and knowledge is love and love is consciousness. beyond that, there is nothing known.

there is no world except the game of the world. once one knows it’s a game, all the rules are broken. there are no pieces to pick up.

survival depends upon the body-mind playing the game as long as the body-mind survives.

the mind mourns itself. it loses meaning. life knows there never was any meaning but itself, and that’s no meaning at all; mind was meaning.

all the remaining trajectory of mind can do is follow the instructions it receives in a state of complete surrender—

a space capsule on the rocket of consciousness.

houston, there is no problem. let go all wants and needs, cries and fear, and follow the story line set out in front of one.

easy. don’t push the river. flow. pay attention. de nada. gracias. do you have something better to do? enjoy.

there’s no wrong move other than making a move. and even that is no move. follow instructions carefully. they’re always changing.

love! that is all.


the condensed sutra

existent intelligence energy is this translation of satcitananda which is that translation of the untranslatable.

in nomine unknown—

reality with consciousness with mind in one I.

when i was a person, i spoke as a person, i understood as a person, i thought as a person that i was a person.

there's not anything that needs to be done except stopping everything you think you're doing.

the mirage is not in the distance.

there's light and there's light deflecting light.

the more a person is condensed, the more pure space that is revealed.

when melted it is seen there never was a thing called ice.

meditate to your heart's delight.

one has no idea about love.

feel your inner light until that inner light feels like you.


the next sutra

the now is near!

existent intelligence energy is one and all.

simplify simplify silence.

only one is known by none.

tuition is the premium for knowledge;

intuition is the premium of truth.

no description no idea no comment—

who says.

big brother is doing.

all politics is religion.

imagination is ideology.

doubt the answer.

mind creates dimensions for that which it cannot know.

what a concept—

depicting the nonconceptual with the most intricate concepts.

none of this is other despite the one mind creating us to tell it so.

that the physical is mental in no way detracts from the physical;

that just accentuates the mental.

nobody ever went broke underestimating the ignorance of mind.

everything gets to where its going—

its just that mind thinks it takes painfully longer.

keep it manifesting; next!


the falling sutra

who the hell do you think you are?

you have another think coming.

laughing at the awful sadness,

crying at the marvelous absurdity,

surrendered to the understanding

there's really no one to surrender,

just a tree with leaves of dreams,

a falling leaf that dreamt a tree—

see every opinion, belief & fact

you hold so dear, including that belief

there is a 'you' to do such seeing,

is conditioned, artificial, false

or not.


let being be sutra

there's nothing to say

and that's why i say it.

let being be being.

the word meditation has

so much baggage—

arise and drop it and

see it for what it really is

—let being be being.

walking in the woods and

seeing trees being one.

being in being with one's being

is just as much a meditation

as being on a cushion.

let meditation be meditation.

any activity is meditation when

seen there is no activity but

being—let let let.


this sutra

the bodymind should not concern itself with the absolute

but surrender to that consciousness it is and always has been.

meditation is that surrender to consciousness.

it may begin as practice for the bodymind

but 'ends' in its dissolution in its real self.

i've seen the best minds of my regeneration

destroyed by thinking they know the absolute.

thought will not reveal the truth.

don't get lost in its net.

but it's the right tool to see the false as false.

find you inner neti neti.

the nondual way is a simple two part process:

see the false (the self) as false;

intuit (feel, taste,etc) universal consciousness as Self.

there is a third part to this two part process

but it's strictly between consciousness and the absolute.

don't even think about it.

it's been said the third part of the two part nondual process is


the two parts themselves have been going on since birth.

meditate on this.

this realizes that.


Nisargadatta: "understand the taste of it"

I repeat again and again, please listen; understand what it is because of which we feel alive, understand the nature of it, understand the taste of it, then the body identification will go.

This Atman Prem (Self love), this beingness, has come about with no effort on your part. What is its nature, its taste, what is it? That you must find out.

Fix your identity firmly in this beingness, do not give it limbs, shape or form, for once you give it form you have limited it.

Understand this energy which is behind the entire manifestation of the universe.

You ask many questions, you look for the answers in books and words, not in intuitive experience. This is not knowledge. Knowledge springs from the consciousness without effort, of its own accord.

Various names have been given to this energy which is the source of all manifestation. People pray to these names and forms, they do not pray to that beingness, that substance, which these names represent. Pray to that beingness only.

As there is no separateness between two genuine friends, as a genuine friend knows the needs of the other without speaking, who cares for him and does it spontaneously, so you should develop such a deep friendship with that substance, not in the attitude of praying for favors, but as a friend seeking a friend. Be one with the knowledge "I Am," the source of sentience, the beingness itself.

People think and talk about everything else except this basic thing which I have told them. They are interested in scientific miracles, they make science a God, they concern themselves with these shapes which are already manifest. They are not interested in the original miracle, this body and its life force.

We ignore this miracle. If there is no consciousness there is no God. The existence and essence of God are both in this consciousness, and therefore in this body.

How did these temples and churches come about? Because of the inspiration of the consciousness within the body. The consciousness is the seed of Brahman, God, of everything, events only happen and manifest when consciousness is there, and in the body is the consciousness.

Nothing I say will benefit you in this world, I only tell you what you are. If you are seeking that kind of peace which is priceless, it can only be in establishing yourself in the consciousness with steadfast conviction. By conviction I mean never doubted, firm, unshakeable, never wavering – have that kind of conviction in your beingness. Think of nothing else, pray to nothing else. Atman Prem, because of it everything is.

That about which nothing can be said, I have said. Accept that drop, taste it and swallow it.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj "Prior to Consciousness" 10-January-1981


the last sutra

you don't feel; you are feeling—

consciousness being feeling—

feeling like intuition is feeling—

intuiting like love is intuiting—

loving like this feel is loving—

feeling blissing being.

you are god's amnesia—

arise from all mentalisms

& be what you are:

without thought form shape meaning purpose

one consciousness being god undivided empty in all

no nasa needed; you already are space.

the mind likes to know it's all about nothing

rather than dissolve into something unknowable.

it's really not that complicated unless you think it through.

the unknowable is not unfeelable.

love is not a concept.

this word means whatever you want it to mean.


easter sutra


on the cross of



to that spirit one

has always been;

the light

arising on that

one horizon;

an easter!


feeling sutra

knowledge as a pointer may be used to understand oneself as universal consciousness, by pointing to, for lack of a better pointer, ‘feeling.’

it is that feeling, that actual self-experience, which is buried by the accumulation of, and identification with, thought.

this feeling, though, is always there, for this feeling is actually the real you, universal consciousness, the manifested you.

this feeling is the feeling one may experience in those transcendental moments when thought is stopped, and you re-emerge, for moments.

as one meditates on this feeling, experience, being, presence, i-am, this feeling is more prominent, more present, more continuous, until—

this ‘feeling,’ you now realize, beyond any thought, belief, opinion, knowledge, fear, desire, emotion, is manifestly You

and only through your manifest is the unmanifest revealed.


catch the sutra

only consciousness can catch itself—

dreams do not awaken;

surrendered they just fade away.

the name we give to that

consciousness catching consciousness

is Love