
the next sutra

the now is near!

existent intelligence energy is one and all.

simplify simplify silence.

only one is known by none.

tuition is the premium for knowledge;

intuition is the premium of truth.

no description no idea no comment—

who says.

big brother is doing.

all politics is religion.

imagination is ideology.

doubt the answer.

mind creates dimensions for that which it cannot know.

what a concept—

depicting the nonconceptual with the most intricate concepts.

none of this is other despite the one mind creating us to tell it so.

that the physical is mental in no way detracts from the physical;

that just accentuates the mental.

nobody ever went broke underestimating the ignorance of mind.

everything gets to where its going—

its just that mind thinks it takes painfully longer.

keep it manifesting; next!

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