
mind games sutra

the only knowledge is consciousness. the mind tries to translate. but it only knows its dream.

mind’s world is division. it’s make-believe!

once belief is seen for what it is, just a game of divide & conquer, there’s nothing left to desire.

desire is the divided looking for its other. no belief, no other. the game is no longer afoot.

awake, there is no longer certainty in what was certainly a dream. all images melt in the morning light.

true, the mind feels a twinge of sadness, but when seen for what that is, a longing for the comfort of the false, it too disappears.

all there is is being, presence, consciousness here and now. existent intelligence being.

all one really knows is one exists and there is a bliss in this, an energetic intuitive attendance.

consciousness is knowledge and knowledge is love and love is consciousness. beyond that, there is nothing known.

there is no world except the game of the world. once one knows it’s a game, all the rules are broken. there are no pieces to pick up.

survival depends upon the body-mind playing the game as long as the body-mind survives.

the mind mourns itself. it loses meaning. life knows there never was any meaning but itself, and that’s no meaning at all; mind was meaning.

all the remaining trajectory of mind can do is follow the instructions it receives in a state of complete surrender—

a space capsule on the rocket of consciousness.

houston, there is no problem. let go all wants and needs, cries and fear, and follow the story line set out in front of one.

easy. don’t push the river. flow. pay attention. de nada. gracias. do you have something better to do? enjoy.

there’s no wrong move other than making a move. and even that is no move. follow instructions carefully. they’re always changing.

love! that is all.

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