
this sutra

the bodymind should not concern itself with the absolute

but surrender to that consciousness it is and always has been.

meditation is that surrender to consciousness.

it may begin as practice for the bodymind

but 'ends' in its dissolution in its real self.

i've seen the best minds of my regeneration

destroyed by thinking they know the absolute.

thought will not reveal the truth.

don't get lost in its net.

but it's the right tool to see the false as false.

find you inner neti neti.

the nondual way is a simple two part process:

see the false (the self) as false;

intuit (feel, taste,etc) universal consciousness as Self.

there is a third part to this two part process

but it's strictly between consciousness and the absolute.

don't even think about it.

it's been said the third part of the two part nondual process is


the two parts themselves have been going on since birth.

meditate on this.

this realizes that.

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