
dream avatar sutra sonnet

this is what may best be called a dream. and in this dream, i have divided myself into ten thousand patterns.

and with each pattern, i have identified, and thus think every other pattern happens to be not my self. this is what some call the original sin.

and this partial identification and resultant separation is the origin of all suffering, and what some call the human condition.

and so i have appeared to my partial "selves" as what some may call an avatar and in ten thousand ways have revealed one way: there is no separation.

i have revealed such so-called separation is just a concept. i have revealed that love is separation understanding there is no separation.

but my separate “selves” have misunderstood my revelation, and in turn created deeper levels of separation which are called religions and beliefs—

and watch the suffering inherent in this misunderstanding as if it was something separate from myself. but it is not.

there are no words to say what i am, but only words to say what i am not. and in this via negativa, one will stop and be that way unknown.

save oneself from that which one needs not be saved and in turn one saves all.

see what one is not and rest in what one is and that which what one is will be what one is not.

one who troubles with others will always be that which is separate from oneself.

one who loves the other is one who sees no other.

thus one love is no one.

and no one is one unknown.

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