
om and shunyakasha sonnet

as long as matter is seen as something objectively separate, one will appear to be subjectively separate, and love won't steer the stars—

this is the dawning of the age of that timelessness.

action originating from that unknown space of affectionate awareness is akin to creation's genesis from the void, that so-called big bang—

in other words, the big bang is not a moment in some light year past but always happening now.

there are many ways to say something that can't be said & not a single reason to say any of them, so why one says them is the only question—

one is everything and nothing, infinity and absolute zero, this and that, om... and shunyakasha.

no one dies; all is unborn; identifying with impermanence is the original sin; drop it—

after negating misunderstanding, one rests in the threshold of one's universal self.

just because one inhabits a frame doesn't mean one is the frame—

patterns are not individual; this space endorses no one—

listen absolutely; utter infinitely—

bare trees reveal the space of truth—

the birds are feeding like nobody's business—

now never goes anywhere; let the silence sing.

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