
the superfluous super sutra sonnet

precepts are for two, wisdom is one, truth none.

dedicate your birth to being unborn.

love until you are love; surrender until there is no one to surrender.

the paradox of precepts and commandments dividing the world into good and bad, helping to ensure continuing division, violence and suffering—

as long as one identifies with thought & its inherently divisional nature, one will inevitably be divisional in the world despite all effort.

the closer one delves into egoic self, the more divisional and violent it appears—not the heart of darkness but the tear of separation.

all world improvement begins and ends in the no mind nondoing effortless aspect of knowlovedge in action; to attempt otherwise is futile.

the secret is there is no secret; manifestation is "you" as one.

there is only one desire, that of division returning to unity, but it is sorely misdirected by its own division.

as beauty is truth and truth beauty, so gravity is love and love gravity.

ultimately life is a superfluous entanglement of that one desire to be something one already is.

relatively speaking, evolution is the process in which lapsed light desires & acquires the means from enduring light to know itself as light.

once you know you are, that's all there is—

don't forget it.

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