
the apocryphon of four directions

welcome to the land of dreams.

the first land is the land of mind.

the second land is the land of mindful.

the third land is the land of being.

the fourth land is the land of no land.

the first land is the land in which one thinks one is born.

the second land is the land in which one understands the first land isn't a land.

the third land is the land in which one is the land.

the fourth land is the land in which one is always unborn.

the first land is the person.

the second land is the understanding there isn't a person.

the third land is the land of i am that i am.

the fourth land is the land gone gone beyond.

the first land is the land of knowledge.

the second land is the land of understanding.

the third land is the land of love.

the fourth land is the land of wisdom.

welcome to land of no direction.

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