
the cicada sutra

there is one conditioned mind and 'we' are it.

pleasant dreamstates.

mind is the hard drive of consciousness.

there is one fact: i am. the rest are just varying degrees of thoughtful metaphor.

a rose is not a rose is god.

the natural state of a balloon is empty.

silly rabbit, emptiness is for no one.

world is what remains after mind has filtered out the goddess from itself so it can eat the rest in mindless satisfaction.

it is the cries of the goddess after every single bite reminding one the world is not what it appears to be.

from the sweet black w/hole of pure awareness, this overwhelming wave of consciousness impossibly breaks through.

being too smart for awareness.

the more one stands as awareness, the less there is to stand.

the simple natural immediate and thorough restorative wetness of awareness: ah!

after almost 14 billion years, light knows it is light, and a single cicada rattles space-time away.

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