
the shoreless sutra

and god said 'let there be brushing of teeth' and there were teeth to be brushed.

three things. first thing, you’re not a thing. second thing, you’re everything. third thing, nothing will fill you in on all the rest.

fear is the light of real love filtered by the unreal thought of self; no thought of self, no fear; love is always all there is. be real.

desire is the face of fear; belief is its defense; opinion is its little voice and violence, its inevitable over-reaction. love, be real.

light exhales waves exhale atoms exhale molecules/earth exhales vegetation exhales animals exhale mind exhales light

light inhales mind inhales animals inhales vegetation inhales earth/molecules inhales atoms inhales waves inhales light

light exhales/inhales light

if you can read this, you're close enough to see.

DISIDENTIFICATION with mind and EXPERIENCING what one is—that is all. but to one identified with mind, that appears impossibly illogical!

the sound the mind hears is the sound the mind makes.

a momentary wave of sound within an infinite sea of silence.

the cormorant of mind; the vast expanse it calls the gulf of maine.

the pregnancy of sea; the birth of a bell buoy!

the sea breathes in and earth breathes out.

a brief sail of visibility within the emptiness of sky.

the shore is seagullible—the unsure, saltwater daffy!

i'd say the only real knowledge is not-knowing but i really don't know.

since reality can never be described, who bothers?

the mind can't know the truth, but truth will know being.

i surrender; now won.

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