
workoan 7: letting go

At the afternoon break, Sonny went out with Bob, the assembly line foreman, to smoke a joint in Bob’s van. Sonny had never done anything like that at work before. It felt so liberating to let go like that.

They were listening to the radio when the door opened and Bill popped his head in, took a whiff of the sweet smoke, and began shouting about irresponsibility and illegal behavior and calling the cops and losing their jobs. Then, Bill changed his tone and spoke slowly and deliberately, telling Sonny to wait for him in the cafeteria. He wanted to talk to Bob alone.

While in the cafeteria, Sonny started thinking. He’d lose his job. He wouldn’t be able to afford his car. He’d have to quit school. And he’d definitely lose his girlfriend; she’d kick him out of the apartment as well. Half the reason he took the job was her insistence he have one. He had always got by in the past. He knew he could learn to live without it. Material possessions were the bane of existence, after all. Who needed them?

Just at that moment Bill walked in, and Sonny immediately got up and began apologizing and expressing regret and begging Bill to let him keep his job. “I really need it,” Sonny implored. “Without it, I’ll lose everything. I promise I’ll never let it happen again.”

Bill was quiet for several seconds. “Well, Sonny, to be perfectly honest, I was coming in here to let you go,” he spoke forcefully. “But your attitude has impressed me and given me pause.” Bill stopped for effect and then continued, “So I’ll let go your letting go. For now.”

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