
20th circular - intuiting

the intuiting that i’m consciousness is consciousness; i am not intuiting: i am the intuiting—

to be perfectly clear, the person that i thought i was was never here; here there’s only this awareness being bliss—

now is universal consciousness from which the mind (of and in this consciousness) projects a universe—

and in the beginningless end, i'm not blown away by all these words; rather, i blow these words away...

verse: i blow these words away

the intuiting
that i’m consciousness
is consciousness;
i am not intuiting:
i am the intuiting—

to be perfectly clear,
the person that i thought i was
was never here;
here there’s only this
awareness being bliss—

now is universal consciousness
from which the mind
(of and in this consciousness)
projects a universe—

and in the beginningless end,
i'm not blown away
by all these words; rather,
i blow these words away...


19th circular - feeling

how unnatural it is to think that one is two, me and you, that i am something separate from this all i see—

but intuition, apperception, oh god forbid yes, call this third eye, sixth sense what it is, a feeling! that the being here continues there—

all this evolutionary necessity, this dreamlike separation, this scientific fact founded on the rock of its illusion feels like nothing now—

i, the noumenal, feel all phenomenal for all phenomena is i, no matter what sad angry separate nonsense me and you may think.

verse: that the being here continues there

how unnatural it is to think
that one is two,
me and you,
that i am something separate
from this universe i sing—

but intuition,
oh god forbid yes,
call this third eye,
sixth sense
what it is:
a feeling!
that the being here
continues there—

all this evolutionary necessity,
this dreamlike separation,
this scientific fact founded
on the rock of its illusion
feels like nothing now—

i, the noumenal,
feel all phenomenal
for all phenomena is i,
no matter what sad angry
separate nonsense
me and you may think.


18th circular – stateless state

whatever this identification with thought is called, just drop it, including whatever this identification with thought is called—

identification with thought inevitably leads to the strong defense of such identification; drop the state and all its armies disappear—

rest in that stateless state, the natural state, of what would be called ‘awareness being bliss’ if there were a state to call it such in that—

all these words and all defense and opposition of these words are thereby dropped as well within this stateless state these words are only stating.

verse: drop the state and all its armies disappear

whatever this identification with thought is called,
just drop it,
including whatever this identification with thought is called—

identification with thought inevitably leads
to the strong defense of such identification;
drop the state and all its armies disappear—

rest in that stateless state,
the natural state,
of what would be called
‘awareness being bliss’
if there were a state to call it such in that—

all these words
and all defense and opposition of these words
are thereby dropped as well
within this stateless state
these words are only stating.


17th circular – non-phenomenally noumenal

it's not that there's nothing, but the something we believe to be the all and everything is really not a thing at all—

what there is is that unknown; not non-existent, not non-energetic, not non-aware, but non-phenomenally noumenal, and emphatically this is that—

and this which is one united loving and compassionate fantastic mystical light of light is singing loud its morning hymn of absolutely silent that

verse: compassionate fantastic mystical light of light is

it's not that there's nothing,
but the something we believe
to be the all and everything is
really not a thing at all—

what there is is that unknown;
not non-existent, not non-energetic, not non-aware,
but non-phenomenally noumenal,
and emphatically this is that—

and this which is one united loving and
compassionate fantastic mystical light of light is
singing loud its morning hymn
of absolutely silent that


16th circular - appears

in sentience, the world appears in the mind and through the world, mind experiences itself—

in attention, the mind appears in consciousness and through the mind, consciousness intuits itself—

in silence, consciousness appears in awareness and through consciousness, awareness is…

verse: awareness is

in sentience,
the world appears in the mind
and through the world,
mind experiences itself—
in attention,
the mind appears in consciousness
and through the mind,
consciousness intuits itself—
in silence,
consciousness appears in awareness
and through consciousness,
awareness is…


15th circular - intuition

the original concept is 'i am;' from that primal concept arises me and you and the world—

return and rest within that original concept of 'i am' until concept becomes intuition of universal consciousness, i am that i am—

in that intuition that i am that i am is the visitation of a pure awareness great unknowing noumenon, i am that i am that.

verse: concept becomes intuition

the original concept is 'i am;'
from that primal concept arises
me and you and the world—

return and rest within
that original concept of 'i am'
until concept becomes intuition
of universal consciousness,
i am that i am—

in that intuition that
i am that i am is
the visitation of a pure awareness
great unknowing noumenon,
i am that i am that.


14th circular - evildoer

god is universal consciousness and consciousness is movement and thought is movement based in memory within consciousness—

a person is consciousness in artificial separation due to an identification with thought (with the primal one being 'i am body-mind')—

a believer is a person mistaking certain thoughts as its separate god—

an evildoer is a 'true believer' identifying with itself as god—

but god is universal consciousness and all of this is but appearances in that.

verse: a person is consciousness in artificial separation

god is universal consciousness
and consciousness is movement
and thought is movement based in memory
within consciousness—

a person is consciousness in artificial separation
due to an identification with thought
(with the primal one being 'i am body-mind')—

a believer is a person
mistaking certain thoughts as its separate god—

an evildoer is a 'true believer'
identifying with itself as god—

but god is universal consciousness
and all of this is but appearances in that.


13th circular - nonduality

nonduality of not even nonduality is a nonduality not reliant on a thought of nonduality but nonduality of not even a thought of nonduality—

thoughts of nonduality assist in seeing what isn't; what is just is without a thought—

there's no opinion, no retort, no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement, not a word of being or awareness or even one of bliss—

there's only this and this is that and what that is exists without a trace of what this isn't including that verbal thought of existence.

verse: no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement

nonduality of not even nonduality is
a nonduality not reliant on a thought of nonduality
but nonduality of not even a thought of nonduality—

thoughts of nonduality assist in seeing what isn't;
what is just is without a thought—

there's no opinion, no retort,
no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement,
not a word of being or awareness or even one of bliss—

there's only this
and this is that and
what that is exists
without a trace of what this isn't
including that verbal thought of existence.


12th circular – visualization

visualize this: the light of universal consciousness appears in pure awareness and descends in levels of its freedom, first in particle waves—

descending one more level, wave becomes atomic mass, descending one more level mass becomes molecular body knit like granite in its bondage—

now ascension will begin reclaiming levels of a freedom inherent in its one original state as if beckoned back to that pure state by itself—

first organic movement is encouraged; next plant life becomes attracted; then an animalian freedom is enticed to systems culminating human—

and the human is uplifted by what it calls the wisdom of the satguru or holy spirit to original universal consciousness in pure awareness—

where this visualization ends in understanding none of this has happened and all is always free unborn and pure awareness, that and only that.

verse: the light of universal consciousness

visualize this:
the light of universal consciousness
appears in pure awareness
and descends in levels of its freedom,
first in particle waves—

descending one more level,
wave becomes atomic mass,
descending one more level mass becomes
molecular body
knit like granite in its bondage—

now ascension will begin
reclaiming levels of a freedom
inherent in its one original state
as if beckoned back to that pure state
by itself—

first organic movement is encouraged;
next plant life becomes attracted;
then an animalian freedom is enticed
to systems culminating

and the human is uplifted
by what it calls the wisdom
of the satguru or holy spirit
to original universal consciousness
in pure awareness—

where this visualization ends
in understanding none of this has happened
and all is always free unborn
and pure awareness,
that and only that.


11th circular - why

spirit is atomic dispassion and this mirage of human life dissolves within its light as if it never existed which it never did—

spirit is just another name for being which is another name for awareness which is another name for that nameless great unknown so named—

nameless conceptionless meaningless causeless beginningless endless presentless groundless everless nevertheless viewless viewless viewless—

and so all is ultimately whyless for the why itself is just the essence of this great mirage dissolving in that nameless nameless spirit.

verse: another name for that nameless

spirit is atomic dispassion
and this mirage of human life
dissolves within its light
as if it never existed
which it never did—

spirit is just another name for being
which is another name for awareness
which is another name for that nameless
great unknown so named—

nameless conceptionless meaningless
causeless beginningless endless
presentless groundless everless
nevertheless viewless viewless viewless—

and so all is ultimately whyless
for the why itself is just the essence of this great mirage
dissolving in that nameless nameless spirit.


10th circular - story

this story is rewriting itself—

this story now tells the story thatit knows now all is just a story—

this story is no longer sold in the nonfiction section—

this story says the nonfiction section does not exist—

this story says there are two types of fiction: fiction that sees it is fiction and fiction that doesn't see it is fiction—

this story would tell of a third fiction which sees there is no fiction as well but there's no story to tell.

verse: the nonfiction section does not exist

this story is rewriting itself—

this story now tells the story that
it knows now all is just a story—

this story is no longer sold in the nonfiction section—

this story says the nonfiction section does not exist—

this story says there are two types of fiction:
fiction that sees it is fiction
and fiction that doesn't see it is fiction—

this story would tell of a third fiction
which sees there is no fiction as well
but there's no story to tell.


9th circular - suffering

to separate and individualize the universal is an impossible dream—

when the impossible meets the actual, suffering happens—
suffering comes in all sizes but the most insidious suffering is the one that seems like no suffering—

the suffering of no suffering is that habitual suffering which appears to the sufferer to be the normal rhythm of living—

this so-called normal rhythm of living is called the workaday world—

its language is gossip; its god is ambition; suffering is in its blood—

and love is its saving grace.

verse: when the impossible meets the actual

to separate and
individualize the universal is
an impossible dream—

when the impossible meets the actual,
suffering happens—
suffering comes in all sizes
but the most insidious suffering is
the one that seems like no suffering—

the suffering of no suffering is
that habitual suffering
which appears to the sufferer to be
the normal rhythm of living—

this so-called normal rhythm of living is called
the workaday world—

its language is gossip;
its god is ambition;
suffering is in its blood—

and love is its saving grace.


8th circular - stand

to stand as a person is to stand in a dream; stand as what you are: that unknown awareness expressed in being—

the world is not your habitat; truth is not a tool for grooming your backyard—

turn your self around and witness all as it really is—

as one doesn't look at the morning through the eyes of last night's dream, one doesn't witness reality from illusion; be real!

verse: stand as what you are

to stand as a person is to stand in a dream;
stand as what you are:
that unknown awareness expressed in being—

the world is not your habitat;
truth is not a tool for grooming your backyard—

turn your self around and witness all as it really is—

as one doesn't look at the morning
through the eyes of last night's dream,
one doesn't witness reality from illusion;
be real!


7th circular - view

ultimately, any view is just a point of view, and at best a tool for visualizing no view, the only true view—

points of view which believe themselves to be the one true view, such as the scientific or religious views, assume the unknown is knowable—

such misguided points of view would be laughable if not for their inevitably violent sceneries such as third reich holocaust atomic bomb or holy wars—

my kingdom of scientists and theologians for a zen fool anyday—


verse: any view is just a point of view

any view is just a point of view,
and at best a tool for visualizing no view,
the only true view—

points of view which believe themselves
to be the one true view,
such as the scientific or religious views,
assume the unknown is knowable—

such misguided points of view
would be laughable
if not for their inevitably violent sceneries
such as third reich holocaust atomic bomb or holy wars—

my kingdom of scientists and theologians
for a zen fool anyday—



6th circular - godlove

awareness of being the so-called other is that ever-expansive bliss called love—

thus, awareness of universal consciousness is mystical godlove bliss—

and that which is aware of universal consciousness is that unknown reality i am

verse: mystical godlove bliss

awareness of being the so-called other is
that ever-expansive bliss called

awareness of universal consciousness is
mystical godlove bliss—

and that which is aware of universal consciousness is
that unknown reality i am.


5th circular - That

like a dream which occurs in the mind, consciousness occurs in That—

as a dream is of the mind but the mind is not the dream, consciousness is of That but That is not consciousness—

as lucidity in a dream is the presence of mind (i am mind), lucidity in consciousness is the presence of That (i am That)—

that which is aware of being is That—

i, self-awareness, am That, the unspeakable unthinkable absolute unknown ground of reality.

verse: as a dream is of the mind

like a dream which occurs in the mind,
consciousness occurs in That—

as a dream is of the mind
but the mind is not the dream,
consciousness is of That
but That is not consciousness—

as lucidity in a dream is the presence of mind
(i am mind),
lucidity in consciousness is the presence of That
(i am That)—

that which is aware of being is That—

i, self-awareness, am That,
the unspeakable unthinkable absolute unknown
ground of reality.


4th circular - no teaching

in self-awareness, the world disappears, the universe dissolves, and, of course, there is no teaching; anything otherwise is religious interruptus—

in self-awareness is the bodhisattva and holy wholly holey salvation of the world for all creation is known for what it is, and seen through—

in self-awareness, the perpetual motion machine which is consciousness ceases all motion without the perpetrator of time—

if you meet the maharaj and maharshi on the road to self-awareness, pay them no heed; there is no road and no one really there...

verse: anything otherwise is religious interruptus

in self-awareness,
the world disappears,
the universe dissolves,
and, of course, there is no teaching;
anything otherwise is religious interruptus—

in self-awareness
is the bodhisattva and
holy wholly holey salvation of the world
for all creation is known for what it is,
and seen through—

in self-awareness,
the perpetual motion machine
which is consciousness ceases
all motion without
the perpetrator of time—

if you meet the maharaj and maharshi
on the road to self-awareness,
pay them no heed;
there is no road
and no one really there...


3rd circular - lone knowledge

thought is form and form is emptiness but belief is thought ignorant of emptiness—

when one awakens, even the simple daily fact of being awake is seen as nothing but a concept—

meditation is the school which consciousness attends to uncloud all which isn't and know the pure and lone knowledge that it always is—

the universe is Mind's body and my body is Mind's mind which becomes aware in time there's nothing but the timelessness of Mind—

there are many states to what i am but i myself remain the stateless state—

the tao's meaning doesn't get lost in poor translation; the poor translator supplies meaning where there is none—

in the name of awareness, being and bliss, amen

verse: the stateless state

thought is form
and form is emptiness
but belief is thought ignorant of emptiness—

when one awakens,
even the simple daily fact of being awake is seen
as nothing but a concept—

meditation is the school which consciousness attends
to uncloud all which isn't
and know the pure and lone knowledge that it always is—

the universe is Mind's body
and my body is Mind's mind
which becomes aware in time
there's nothing but
the timelessness
of Mind—

there are many states to what i am
but i myself remain
the stateless state—

the tao's meaning doesn't get lost in poor translation;
the poor translator supplies meaning
where there is none—

in the name of awareness,
being and bliss,


2nd circular - i am

when i came to know i am, i named every state of what i am while identifying with this state that came to know i am—

the sum of all the states of what i am i named the universe and the state that came to know i am i named me—

name me i am that i am—

or adam.

verse: when i came to know i am

when i came to know i am,
i named every state of what i am
while identifying with this state
that came to know i am—

the sum of all the states of what i am
i named the universe
and the state that came to know i am
i named me—

name me i am that i am—

or adam.


1st circular – via negativa


human evolution involves progression in identification from body (infant) to thought (child) to love (adult) to nothing that the mind can find—

most so-called adults are actually children stuck in self-identification with thought; at best, true adults are mystics—

but truth is no one—

this progression of identification may be viewed as a de-identification process in which…

consciousness (love) disidentifies from the bondage of body-mind, and lastly, absolutely, itself.

clearly the unknown manifests as consciousness (love) manifests as mind (thought) manifests as form (action)—

the so-called human state of consciousness is a distortion, an arrested development, in which divisional thought reverberates within itself—

people ask the question: why do we suffer? we suffer because we think we are people; a thought is inherently divisional, inevitably violent—

individual choice is the hobgoblin of the worldly mind; social conditioning takes one out; the guru breathes one in—

a world screams—do it & follow one's desire; a guru whispers—relax & follow one's love; suffering & bliss—two sides of one coin—

whose call?

there is an unknown that is not ~something to be known but not known yet~ but that which can never be known and i am that—

the false idol of the westernized world is the great and wonderful ~tbd~

as if replacing an objectified personal god with some future scientific determinacy eliminates the great unknown; children these days!—

there are three knowns of this via negativa—awareness, being, bliss—in that the unknown is neither non-aware, non-existent, nor non-energetic—

an agnostic says, i don't know; an awakened one says, i am that unknown.

verse: that which can never be known


human evolution involves progression in identification
from body (infant) to thought (child) to love (adult)
to nothing that the mind can find—

most so-called adults are actually children
stuck in self-identification with thought;
at best, true adults are mystics—

but truth is no one—

this progression of identification
may be viewed as a de-identification process
in which…

consciousness (love) disidentifies
from the bondage of body-mind,
and lastly, absolutely, itself.


clearly the unknown manifests
as consciousness (love) manifests
as mind (thought) manifests
as form (action)—

the so-called human state of consciousness is a distortion,
an arrested development,
in which divisional thought reverberates within itself—

people ask the question: why do we suffer?
we suffer because we think we are people;
a thought is inherently divisional, inevitably violent—

individual choice is the hobgoblin of the worldly mind…
social conditioning takes one out;
the guru breathes one in—

a world screams—do it & follow one's desire;
a guru whispers—relax & follow one's love;
suffering & bliss—two sides of one coin—

whose call?


there is an unknown that is not
~something to be known but not known yet~
but that which can never be known
and i am that—

the false idol of the westernized world is
the great and wonderful

as if replacing an objectified personal god with
some future scientific determinacy eliminates
the great unknown; children these days!—

there are three knowns of this via negativa
—awareness, being, bliss—
in that the unknown is neither
non-aware, non-existent, nor non-energetic—

an agnostic says, i don't know;
an awakened one says, i am that unknown.


twee verse 54 - view

eons of natural anxiety unwind

in that timeless 'no nature' of pure awareness—

gut-level fears are what without the gut—

there is no becoming one with one

for one is always in movement toward two—

the only view

to do

is listen to

the guru—

one is that none who appears to be two


twee verse 53 - pill

one pill makes you yin

and one pill makes you yang

and the pill that mother gives you

is otherwise called the big bang—

go ask who.

one pill makes you coyote,

one pill makes you roadrunner;

both pills are sold by acme,

the peak of generic conglomeration—

everyone is someone's pill.

upon realizing this world

and one's role within it

is just an hallucination resulting

from a pill one has swallowed—

trip wood, conjure water.