
1st circular – via negativa


human evolution involves progression in identification from body (infant) to thought (child) to love (adult) to nothing that the mind can find—

most so-called adults are actually children stuck in self-identification with thought; at best, true adults are mystics—

but truth is no one—

this progression of identification may be viewed as a de-identification process in which…

consciousness (love) disidentifies from the bondage of body-mind, and lastly, absolutely, itself.

clearly the unknown manifests as consciousness (love) manifests as mind (thought) manifests as form (action)—

the so-called human state of consciousness is a distortion, an arrested development, in which divisional thought reverberates within itself—

people ask the question: why do we suffer? we suffer because we think we are people; a thought is inherently divisional, inevitably violent—

individual choice is the hobgoblin of the worldly mind; social conditioning takes one out; the guru breathes one in—

a world screams—do it & follow one's desire; a guru whispers—relax & follow one's love; suffering & bliss—two sides of one coin—

whose call?

there is an unknown that is not ~something to be known but not known yet~ but that which can never be known and i am that—

the false idol of the westernized world is the great and wonderful ~tbd~

as if replacing an objectified personal god with some future scientific determinacy eliminates the great unknown; children these days!—

there are three knowns of this via negativa—awareness, being, bliss—in that the unknown is neither non-aware, non-existent, nor non-energetic—

an agnostic says, i don't know; an awakened one says, i am that unknown.

verse: that which can never be known


human evolution involves progression in identification
from body (infant) to thought (child) to love (adult)
to nothing that the mind can find—

most so-called adults are actually children
stuck in self-identification with thought;
at best, true adults are mystics—

but truth is no one—

this progression of identification
may be viewed as a de-identification process
in which…

consciousness (love) disidentifies
from the bondage of body-mind,
and lastly, absolutely, itself.


clearly the unknown manifests
as consciousness (love) manifests
as mind (thought) manifests
as form (action)—

the so-called human state of consciousness is a distortion,
an arrested development,
in which divisional thought reverberates within itself—

people ask the question: why do we suffer?
we suffer because we think we are people;
a thought is inherently divisional, inevitably violent—

individual choice is the hobgoblin of the worldly mind…
social conditioning takes one out;
the guru breathes one in—

a world screams—do it & follow one's desire;
a guru whispers—relax & follow one's love;
suffering & bliss—two sides of one coin—

whose call?


there is an unknown that is not
~something to be known but not known yet~
but that which can never be known
and i am that—

the false idol of the westernized world is
the great and wonderful

as if replacing an objectified personal god with
some future scientific determinacy eliminates
the great unknown; children these days!—

there are three knowns of this via negativa
—awareness, being, bliss—
in that the unknown is neither
non-aware, non-existent, nor non-energetic—

an agnostic says, i don't know;
an awakened one says, i am that unknown.

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