
5th circular - That

like a dream which occurs in the mind, consciousness occurs in That—

as a dream is of the mind but the mind is not the dream, consciousness is of That but That is not consciousness—

as lucidity in a dream is the presence of mind (i am mind), lucidity in consciousness is the presence of That (i am That)—

that which is aware of being is That—

i, self-awareness, am That, the unspeakable unthinkable absolute unknown ground of reality.

verse: as a dream is of the mind

like a dream which occurs in the mind,
consciousness occurs in That—

as a dream is of the mind
but the mind is not the dream,
consciousness is of That
but That is not consciousness—

as lucidity in a dream is the presence of mind
(i am mind),
lucidity in consciousness is the presence of That
(i am That)—

that which is aware of being is That—

i, self-awareness, am That,
the unspeakable unthinkable absolute unknown
ground of reality.

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