
13th circular - nonduality

nonduality of not even nonduality is a nonduality not reliant on a thought of nonduality but nonduality of not even a thought of nonduality—

thoughts of nonduality assist in seeing what isn't; what is just is without a thought—

there's no opinion, no retort, no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement, not a word of being or awareness or even one of bliss—

there's only this and this is that and what that is exists without a trace of what this isn't including that verbal thought of existence.

verse: no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement

nonduality of not even nonduality is
a nonduality not reliant on a thought of nonduality
but nonduality of not even a thought of nonduality—

thoughts of nonduality assist in seeing what isn't;
what is just is without a thought—

there's no opinion, no retort,
no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement,
not a word of being or awareness or even one of bliss—

there's only this
and this is that and
what that is exists
without a trace of what this isn't
including that verbal thought of existence.

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