
10th circular - story

this story is rewriting itself—

this story now tells the story thatit knows now all is just a story—

this story is no longer sold in the nonfiction section—

this story says the nonfiction section does not exist—

this story says there are two types of fiction: fiction that sees it is fiction and fiction that doesn't see it is fiction—

this story would tell of a third fiction which sees there is no fiction as well but there's no story to tell.

verse: the nonfiction section does not exist

this story is rewriting itself—

this story now tells the story that
it knows now all is just a story—

this story is no longer sold in the nonfiction section—

this story says the nonfiction section does not exist—

this story says there are two types of fiction:
fiction that sees it is fiction
and fiction that doesn't see it is fiction—

this story would tell of a third fiction
which sees there is no fiction as well
but there's no story to tell.

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