
22nd circular - instrument

this node of consciousness called the body-mind is a most highly sophisticated instrument capable of amplifying consciousness within itself—

when this instrument is functioning at optimum levels, the supreme awareness within consciousness is now aware of consciousness, self-aware—

it is as if to say that god the child becomes aware of itself by god the parent in itself through the instrument of, by, in, & for the child—

it's a highly sensitive self-evolving instrument that in its early immature stages gets lost within its memory unit and plays its mind games—

wake up! and listen to the music that is you…

verse: god the child becomes aware of itself

this node of consciousness
called the body-mind is
a most highly sophisticated instrument
capable of amplifying consciousness within itself—

when this instrument is functioning at optimum levels,
the supreme awareness within consciousness is
now aware of consciousness,

it is as if to say that
god the child becomes aware of itself
by god the parent in itself
through the instrument of, by, in, & for the child—

it's a highly sensitive self-evolving instrument
that in its early immature stages
gets lost within its memory unit
and plays its mind games—

wake up!
and listen to the music that is you…

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