
38th circular - diversion

relatively speaking, this world is a necessary diversion and descent from the evolutionary ascending trajectory of being becoming self-aware—

the light of infancy descends into the rock-like hard egoic self—

the rock of self erodes within its time of suffering into a lighter substance providing an organic movement up toward life and light—

a person's world is thought so small; love conceives a light infinitely larger.

verse: a necessary diversion and descent

relatively speaking,
this world is a necessary diversion and descent
from the evolutionary ascending trajectory
of being becoming self-aware—

the light of infancy descends
into the rock-like hard egoic self—

the rock of self erodes
within its time of suffering
into a lighter substance providing
an organic movement up toward life and light—

a person's world is thought so small;
love conceives a light infinitely larger.

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