
28th circular - awareness

awareness is the ground and witness, dark mother of and in the light—

the best comparison to that awareness is one of deep sleep but even that shines a shimmer of experience where there's absolutely none—

one can never know awareness but only be awareness and in that being is the great unknown—

but thoughts about awareness only lead to headaches; better known by nothing than trying to know something unknowable—

"It is like the daylight that makes everything visible while itself remaining invisible." ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

verse: awareness is the ground and witness

awareness is the ground and witness,
dark mother of and in the light—

the best comparison to that awareness is
one of deep sleep but even that shines
a shimmer of experience where
there's absolutely none—

one can never know awareness
but only be awareness
and in that being is the great unknown—

but thoughts about awareness
only lead to headaches;
better known by nothing
than trying to know something unknowable—

"It is like the daylight t
hat makes everything visible
while itself remaining invisible."
~Nisargadatta Maharaj

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