
25th circular – dropping-off

this simple dropping-off may often feel as if there's effort—

like floating on the ocean, there's a kicking and a paddling of extremities at first until one rests full weight upon the lifting of the sea—

after all, it's not exactly like a dead man's float, this self returning to itself, this one of being—

there's a liveliness, a never-ending energy, a crisp but peaceful buzz akin to something like orgasm in slow-motion

not dead-weight.

verse: akin to something like orgasm

this simple dropping-off may often feel
as if there's effort—

like floating on the ocean,
there's a kicking
and a paddling of extremities at first
until one rests full weight
upon the lifting of the sea—

after all, it's not exactly
like a dead man's float,
this self returning to itself,
this one of being—

there's a liveliness,
a never-ending energy,
a crisp but peaceful buzz
akin to something like orgasm
in slow-motion

not dead-weight.

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