
29th circular - emotion

in this world, only unconditional love is real, and all spontaneous emotion is that love filtered through the spectrum of belief—

to test one's current understanding of what's real, place full attention on emotions, large & subtle, finding those illusions still believed—

those subtlest emotions categorized under the generic names of pride and shame may often be the grand illusion's last stand—

there's absolutely nothing one can do about these emotions except not deny them, and experience them fully and completely; seeing is freeing.

verse: all spontaneous emotion is that love filtered

in this world,
only unconditional love is real,
and all spontaneous emotion is that love filtered
through the spectrum of belief—

to test one's current understanding of what's real,
place full attention on emotions, large & subtle,
finding those illusions still believed—

those subtlest emotions categorized
under the generic names of pride and shame
may often be the grand illusion's last stand—

there's absolutely nothing one can do
about these emotions except not deny them,
and experience them fully and completely;
seeing is freeing.

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