
33rd circular - dream

relatively speaking, if the purpose of the dream is waking up from it, then the purpose of the awake in the dream is to help dreamers wake—

& again relatively speaking, for those absolutists in the dream with nothing to do and no doer that does and no dream to do it in, why dream—

an esoteric bodhisattva is just what happens in the lucid dreaming remaining, before the body-mind dissolves, as embodiment of understanding—

the west is not the east; there is no tradition of the esoteric here that's self-supporting or self-forming; it was burned by rome—

the way in the west must use the western ways to turn them toward the dawn

verse: to help dreamers wake

relatively speaking,
if the purpose of the dream is waking up from it,
then the purpose of the awake in the dream is
to help dreamers wake—

and again relatively speaking,
for those absolutists in the dream with nothing to do
and no doer that does and no dream to do it in,
why dream—

an esoteric bodhisattva is just what happens
in the lucid dreaming remaining,
before the body-mind dissolves,
as embodiment of understanding—

the west is not the east;
there is no tradition of the esoteric here
that's self-supporting or self-forming;
it was burned by rome—

the way in the west must use the western ways
to turn them toward the dawn.

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