
the unemployment dada sutra

as explanation, i've been without a 'reason' now for three years

and things will soon get very interesting

in that chinese way of the word.

a steady job is the best-selling drug for a reason;

reasons are the subtle fingerholds of ego.

mind creates the world

and a body-ego for itself to walk within it.

yet all there actually is, is abyss…

but the abyss is really pure awareness

and ‘you’ are freefalling into you.

the freefalling stabilizes

when one takes a stand as that awareness.

thus i'm Self-employed!

so close your eyes and listen to nothing…

love is a dreamless bird

and being, the carbonation of awareness.


the ordinary dada / sutra

furu ike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto     ~basho
the old pond; / a frog jumps in — / the sound of the water.
   ~basho (trans. aitken)
nothing / something /

ego prefers not to be called ego.

in truth, there is only one i.

call me cyclops.

enlightenment is not ordinary. order is a function of mind. enlightenment isn't a function of mind. saying so is being cute but not accurate.

and paradoxically, ordinary, as a pointer, just invites confusion.

i spit on the ordinary.

the ordinary is the definition of division, the silly cults of singular opinions, the violence of unmasked ego, theft, rape, war!

the ordinary is just the tip of a blood-drenched iceberg painted in pretty colors of bermuda, crazy festivals, and weekend barbeques.

see the ordinary for what it is.

the ordinary IS the snake.

there's nothing wrong with the snake. love the snake. just don't feed it with your Self.

signed, with love, rope.

it's important to understand that accepting things as they are is not the same as indulging in things as they are.

accepting the snake doesn't mean feeding the snake.

on a personal metaphorical level, someone who is being abused in a relationship must first accept the FACT of abuse, and not call it love.

only when the fact is seen for what it is, will the NATURAL movement of love remove itself from the abuse.

so just call a snake a snake and not a puppy dog.

signed, with love, shanti shanti shanti


max: super sutra volume one


so much depends upon the cranberry juice poured in a cup beside a copy of the tao te ching.

[aumshantidatta is] a hyperconscious node of consciousness emanating from my consciousrest of pure awareness.

one is the present energetic awareness of the world of appearances within the conscious space of oneself.

Brahman Consciousness is the localized node of universal consciousness seeing thru the mind/sense world & intuitively knowing it sees itself.

Brahman Consciousness is ENERGETIC BEING AWARE; it’s not an internalized & passive understanding; in the world of ego, it’s called assertive.

there is no difference in essence between energy-being-aware and fear-body-thinking, it's that classic case of cloud and sun.

all spiritless but for what is not unenergetic; all insubstantial but for what is not non-existent; all ignorant but for what is not unaware.

it all appears to happen and it happens when it’s made to happen, but in reality nothing truly happens.

appearances appear and thought full mist of mind interprets them along the lines of its conditioning & dna; just another closed loop system.

one stops doing fear-body-thinking by seeing through fear-body-thinking so fear-body-thinking, unenergized, stops itself.

as energy-being-aware begins loving, living & apperceiving itself, fear-body-thinking stops disheartening, limiting & conceptualizing itself.

it's sleeping next to the ordinary, but the ordinary is walking in a dream.

Max Planck heard enlightenment in a forest but didn't know what it was.

intuition is the language of reality with which awareness speaks to mind.

these words were a tool being used by awareness to free itself from the grips of its wonderful machine; now throw them away.

the key is no key; you make a better window than a door.

oh i was on a path once, but it only led to itself.

no-mind is a misnomer; NOT-MIND is more to the point.

if one defines [ordinary] as the NATURAL state of consciousness not identified with mind, then that one is naturally enlightening.

a vacant dream in a still reflection of an empty sky…

shanti shanti shanti

the minding sutra


one doesn't walk in nature; nature is mind moving in one.

the wind is mind moving within one.

appearances appearing.


the only time one is not minding is in deep sleep.

there's nothing wrong with minding; it's identifying with the mind that brings on suffering; but there's nothing wrong with that as well.

all the world is minding; that oscillating fan is minding; the wall is minding; the keyboard is minding; this typing is minding.

but i'm not the world, the fan, the wall, the keyboard, the typing, the minding. although it's all in me.

it's not that i don't mind; i'm just not mind.

no-mind is a misnomer; NOT-MIND is more to the point.

there's no end to mind although there's seeing thru (awareness of) mind;

so what a person thinks is the ordinary state and what is really the ordinary state are two very different states.

one is the ordinary state of mind and the other is the natural state of consciousness.

or what is thought to be the ordinary state of mind by one identified with the mind.

there are those that say enlightenment is ordinary; it's important to understand their definition of the word.

if one defines the word as that ordinary state of mind experienced by one identified with the mind, then that one is ordinarily deluded.

if one defines the word as the NATURAL state of consciousness not identified with mind, then that one is naturally enlightening.

the mind is like a prism and you are that awareness of white light—that thought it was the prism, and the spectrum, the lights that made it.

shanti shanti shanti


the lemon dada

stop translating! ~lao tzu.

this is aum_datta. no shanti, sherlock!

do i pick my nose? very well, then i pick my nose, my nose is large.

and verily i'm not a vegementalist; i'll eat meat that doesn't eat meat.

the key is no key; you make a better window than a door.

so make nothing out of lemons; forget the lemonade!

oh i was on a path once, but it only led to itself.

hallmark spirituality is when you don't care enough to discover the whole thing is just made up.

all that purple prose pretending there's a purpose!

although the ancients were known to say the antiguru is just another guru.

the instructional sutra


a vacant dream in a still reflection of an empty sky…

intuitions are the mind's instructions received FROM awareness, but they are reality's instructions received BY awareness.

intuition is the language of reality with which awareness speaks to mind.

when awareness speaks, reality talks.

this is how the mind sees it; in awareness, it's all one awareness.

there is no outside.

and it follows, there is no inside.

the illusion of ten thousand things IS mind.

truth IS awareness: nondual here now.

mind is within awareness but mind is not awareness.

awareness utilizes mind as a wonderful tool and not vice versa.

mind rests in awareness and awareness rests in reality, that: one.

awareness works with mind and rests in reality.

to think otherwise is just awareness losing itself in the wonders of mind thinking otherwise.

these words were a tool being used by awareness to free itself from the grips of its wonderful machine; now throw them away.

shanti shanti shanti


the sonneti neti sutra


snake; rope; not rope / not not-rope.

eat your broccoli!

there is no ladder but a bell is the bottom rung.

it's neither pikes peak or mike's hard lemonade.

or is not nor.

not a hair is out of place even if you're bald.

and if this were free association, the answer would be eagle but it's not.

it's sleeping next to the ordinary, but the ordinary is walking in a dream.

Max Planck heard enlightenment in a forest but didn't know what it was.

the lion sleeps tonight but doesn't mistake awakening as day.

a sonnet is fourteen lines and a line is the shortest distance between two points but what's the point?

right now jumped over the moon.

Li Po was here.

and That ran away with the rhyme.

shanti shanti shanti


the pyramidic sutra


one has been fear-body-thinking so long that it appears to be the natural state.

although it's true there's nothing to do, there is this one thing to stop doing: fear-body-thinking.

one stops doing fear-body-thinking by seeing through fear-body-thinking so fear-body-thinking, unenergized, stops itself.

as energy-being-aware begins loving, living & apperceiving itself, fear-body-thinking stops disheartening, limiting & conceptualizing itself.

the energy of breath is where the rubber of awareness meets the road of being.

and as fear-body-thinking really thinks it is nothing, energy-being-aware is aware it's really the nothing that is not even nothing.

it begins as a concept to stop being in concept and then all concepts are discarded, and be.

fear-body-thinking is the great triangular pyramid of concepts; eliminate one side and the whole thing comes crashing down in time.

but see through all sides & one is instantly awake in brahman consciousness which is enlightened by the absolute reality unavailable to mind.

shanti shanti shanti


the whitey bulger sutra


the world is playing in the open theater of awareness.

but the world doesn't know it's playing.

that which knows the world is playing renders to the world its play.

that which appears to take the world play seriously is either playing with the world like a cat would with a mouse...

or is seriously deluded.

krishna or krazy!

that fully lush green maple leaf has fallen through the sunny summer sky exactly at the moment it was made to fall.

that 80-year old fugitive transgressor southie hoodlum, whitey bulger, was apprehended by the fbi exactly at the moment he was made to fall.

those innocent and gulity people he allegedly had murdered died upon the moment they were meant to fall.

it all appears to happen and it happens when it’s made to happen, but in reality nothing truly happens.

appearances appear and thought full mist of mind interprets them along the lines of its conditioning & dna; just another closed loop system.

outside the loop is consciousness—in fact, it is the rope that is the loop. it ties the loop, unties the loop, and ties the loop again.

the mind mistakes the rope that makes the loop and calls it whitey bulger.

shanti shanti shanti


the what the what sutra


all manifestation, this body, all people, all creatures, the world, all galaxies, the whole physical universe itself is my BEING.

this sweet rare atmosphere, all void and empty space here and there in all the universe is my AWARENESS.

this vital breath, its breathing in and breathing out, this meeting point of manifestation and space, is my ENERGY.

what A calls the i found it - i lost it syndrome is just a natural part of the awakening process varying efficiencies from optimum to lesser.

since there is no difference in essence between energy-being-aware and fear-body-thinking, it's that classic case of cloud and sun.

it's been my experience as a whetherman there are often a few straggler clouds and rogue showers after days and days of a long dark storm.

it’s easier to describe the false than the true: fear, body, & thinking are truly the false; but energy, being, & aware are falsely the true.

to be truthful then, ENERGY BEING AWARE, in that the Truth is NOT UNENERGETIC and NOT NON-EXISTENT and NOT UNAWARE.

all spiritless but for what is not unenergetic; all insubstantial but for what is not non-existent; all ignorant but for what is not unaware.

and—i am what.

shanti shanti shanti


the Brahman sutra


there is no definition; words point to experiencing never to be repeated. it works fine when pointing to a tree—but consciousness is tricky.

take this localized consciousness emanating from this body. what body? the mind makes the body and consciousness makes the mind. ah! tricky.

i prefer to consider this localized consciousness a hyperconscious or hyperaware node of universal consciousness, or what N called a seed.

this node is energetically being aware (satcitananda) at its optimum efficiency.

at a lesser efficiency, its called a person which names itself an ego: fearful body thinking.

even at lesser efficiency, it's still the creator's crown of creation, but at optimum efficiency, it's creation, crown, and creator all in one.

small, the ego is; the world surrounds it in all its terrible vast objective grandeur, overwhelming and intimidating, demeaning and unloving.

small, the ego is, frightened, full of fear, cowering within its fragile flesh-covered hole, eyeing, brooding, plotting, remembering.

small, the ego is, nothing, really nothing, & so it builds itself up into something, something great, something others will mirror back as something.

but still small the ego is, & sure of only one real thing: the ultimate nothingness of its one true face, the skeletal fact of its own sure death.

and so right on the mark that fearful little ego is, for it is small & nothing, in fact a phantom, a falsehood, a fucking fantastic thought!

Brahman Consciousness is the localized node of universal consciousness seeing thru the mind/sense world & intuitively knowing it sees itself.

Brahman Consciousness is ENERGETIC BEING AWARE; it’s not an internalized & passive understanding; in the world of ego, it’s called assertive.

Brahman Consciousness intuitively knows its root is deep sleep empty consciousrest of pure and absolute awareness, for its AWARE is That.

once i worked to leave the inferior/interior & thought that i was assertive father ego, but now i know i am Brahman Consciousness, This/That, One, not-two.

shanti shanti shanti


the summer solstice sutra


if a word falls in the stream and no one hears it, does it make a ripple?

when i become a person again, i want to be a weatherman.

so much depends upon the cranberry juice poured in a cup beside a copy of the tao te ching.

i am looking through my kaleidoscope of mind and got lost in its colorful dimensions.

excuse me for now, i am teaching my mind that it's not me.

good mind! here, have a tweet.

what is aumshantidatta?

it's a hyperconscious node of consciousness emanating from my consciousrest of pure awareness.

so speak!

my name is aumshantidatta and i am a recovering personiholic.

there is all the difference between being conscious without thought and thinking consciously without thought.

one is the present energetic awareness of the world of appearances within the conscious space of oneself.

the other is the passive understanding that the world appears to be within oneself.

before enlightenment, i chop wood and i carry water; after enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water.

a person looks with the mind; conscious-awareness looks through the mind.

a person is never enlightened; at best, one can say localized consciousness is enlightened, and even saying that, of course, is sketchy.

BEING AWARE is all, the whole enchilada, the nondual this/that.

BEING AWARE is energetic intelligence, nuclear awareness; it burns the eyes!

the berry atmosphere of summer itself...

shanti shanti shanti



shanti shanti shanti