
max: super sutra volume one


so much depends upon the cranberry juice poured in a cup beside a copy of the tao te ching.

[aumshantidatta is] a hyperconscious node of consciousness emanating from my consciousrest of pure awareness.

one is the present energetic awareness of the world of appearances within the conscious space of oneself.

Brahman Consciousness is the localized node of universal consciousness seeing thru the mind/sense world & intuitively knowing it sees itself.

Brahman Consciousness is ENERGETIC BEING AWARE; it’s not an internalized & passive understanding; in the world of ego, it’s called assertive.

there is no difference in essence between energy-being-aware and fear-body-thinking, it's that classic case of cloud and sun.

all spiritless but for what is not unenergetic; all insubstantial but for what is not non-existent; all ignorant but for what is not unaware.

it all appears to happen and it happens when it’s made to happen, but in reality nothing truly happens.

appearances appear and thought full mist of mind interprets them along the lines of its conditioning & dna; just another closed loop system.

one stops doing fear-body-thinking by seeing through fear-body-thinking so fear-body-thinking, unenergized, stops itself.

as energy-being-aware begins loving, living & apperceiving itself, fear-body-thinking stops disheartening, limiting & conceptualizing itself.

it's sleeping next to the ordinary, but the ordinary is walking in a dream.

Max Planck heard enlightenment in a forest but didn't know what it was.

intuition is the language of reality with which awareness speaks to mind.

these words were a tool being used by awareness to free itself from the grips of its wonderful machine; now throw them away.

the key is no key; you make a better window than a door.

oh i was on a path once, but it only led to itself.

no-mind is a misnomer; NOT-MIND is more to the point.

if one defines [ordinary] as the NATURAL state of consciousness not identified with mind, then that one is naturally enlightening.

a vacant dream in a still reflection of an empty sky…

shanti shanti shanti

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