
the Brahman sutra


there is no definition; words point to experiencing never to be repeated. it works fine when pointing to a tree—but consciousness is tricky.

take this localized consciousness emanating from this body. what body? the mind makes the body and consciousness makes the mind. ah! tricky.

i prefer to consider this localized consciousness a hyperconscious or hyperaware node of universal consciousness, or what N called a seed.

this node is energetically being aware (satcitananda) at its optimum efficiency.

at a lesser efficiency, its called a person which names itself an ego: fearful body thinking.

even at lesser efficiency, it's still the creator's crown of creation, but at optimum efficiency, it's creation, crown, and creator all in one.

small, the ego is; the world surrounds it in all its terrible vast objective grandeur, overwhelming and intimidating, demeaning and unloving.

small, the ego is, frightened, full of fear, cowering within its fragile flesh-covered hole, eyeing, brooding, plotting, remembering.

small, the ego is, nothing, really nothing, & so it builds itself up into something, something great, something others will mirror back as something.

but still small the ego is, & sure of only one real thing: the ultimate nothingness of its one true face, the skeletal fact of its own sure death.

and so right on the mark that fearful little ego is, for it is small & nothing, in fact a phantom, a falsehood, a fucking fantastic thought!

Brahman Consciousness is the localized node of universal consciousness seeing thru the mind/sense world & intuitively knowing it sees itself.

Brahman Consciousness is ENERGETIC BEING AWARE; it’s not an internalized & passive understanding; in the world of ego, it’s called assertive.

Brahman Consciousness intuitively knows its root is deep sleep empty consciousrest of pure and absolute awareness, for its AWARE is That.

once i worked to leave the inferior/interior & thought that i was assertive father ego, but now i know i am Brahman Consciousness, This/That, One, not-two.

shanti shanti shanti

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